Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.0 Great
Rated by 32 people
  • DJ_JJSlider wrote his opinion about Jurassic Park
    6 years ago
    Jurassic Park hasn't aged well. Parts of the script almost reads like a high school sitcom. However, a lot of the scientific, moral and philosophical ideas stuck in my mind forever. The movie's setting always made me feel like I was on vacation. On a tropical island with dinosaurs that could kill me. Oh the power of escapism...
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … "Parts of the script almost reads like a high school sitcom." Oh man, what I would give to see the cast of Saved by the Bell get eaten by dinosaurs.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … Nobody does it like Spielberg tho. Even his more flawed movies like this and War of the Worlds have his mark of quality. The big T-Rex reveal remains one of the most illustrative examples of how to build suspense. And Jaws, obviously.
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  • 6 years ago
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  • 8 years ago
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  • 8 years ago
    I'm not sure whether its due to over-hype or watching it too late in life (my interests in dinosaurs had waned considerably when I finally got around to see it), but I've never been a fan of this movie. I can see why other people like it, but its not my thing.
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  • 8 years ago
    Holy effing shit, effing dinosaurs, holy shit, what the FFFUUUUU...
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  • Ulty wrote his opinion about Jurassic Park
    10 years ago
    I just watched this again, in a long time...

    I get that it was a breakthrough in special effects and animatronics technology, and to be fair some of the effects look decent today which is good, but the Spielbergian directing ruins it for me a little. Most of his movies suffer, what I like to call, the over-scripted syndrome. Every single line, every damn joke and every performance in this movie are delivered in such a painfully cheesy way it hurts. And that makes it hard for me to immerse myself into this world, because people don't act naturally most of the time or even talk this way. I also thought the Science vs. Nature commentary didn't work very well.

    If I were to review it back then, i'd slap it a 10 instantly. Back then, this movie was the bomb! But like most Spielberg movies, age hasn't been kind to it. But it was still a breakthrough, and it's impact on the industry is evident, so i'd be lying if I said this movie was bad.
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Alternative Names

Jurassic Park d o E
Jurassic Park - O Parque dos Dinossauros P
Jurski park S
Jurski park C
Le Parc jurassique F
Park Ha-Yura H
and 9 more

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Guillaume Vacheron
Views 1,830
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