Nodley's Favorite Cars


  • 1 week ago
    I just don't know where to start with favourite cars. And I worked in the industry for years, I even used to have a rally car! I make my living from driving. Favourite cars? I don't really have favourite cars except my own. I know good cars, I know bad cars, I know dream cars, I know unobtainable cars, I know cars wankers drive(BMW), but favourite? My brain can't put cars into favourite. OK, let's say I add a 1968 Mustang. Is it really my favourite car? It's only cool on payday. My Citroen C1 does 100mpg which beats it at the back end of the week/month. I've driven a Mclaren MP4, would I swap it for my Citroen? If I could sell it yes, if I was stuck with it FUCK no! My favourite car is the reliable one that costs the least I guess. But yeah, some cars are really really nice, but I maybe wouldn't want to own one as my only car.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … I'd be fine with just A car. As long as it has 4 wheels and an engine. I think I'd be happy.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … You're absolutely right in my opinion. If it gets you where you need to be it's good
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