• 9 years ago
    Every time the GEZ fee is due, I raise my hand up in the air in agony, and shout "Damn you @@Michael Z. Damn you to hell. I could've bought several video games that I'm not even interested in with that money!"

    You as an employee of ZDF are responsible for everything that is wrong with this country.

    This is why we can't have nice things; and I don't even watch TV ffs.

    Greedy wankers
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    • Nodley
      Editing … What is GEZ? Something like our TV licence?
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … No an organization collecting fees for "potentially" watching or hearing their services and having a rediculous power to do this! Text from english page now added (properly linked) also.
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    • Michael Z
      Michael Z
      Editing … It's basically the same as the TV license, it's just thst unlike its British counterpart the GEZ doesn't send threatening letters to every household in the country but instead now deducts a license fee from everyone who isn't deaf snd blind, or rather has the form to prove it. Speaking of German bureaucracy, a bit rich for a civil servant to lecture me, especially one who works for the finance office, aka the realm of satan. rocks and glass houses and all that.
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    • Aramonde
      Editing … So even if you don't own a TV you still have to pay a fee?
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I thought we were the only ones(But why I would that I have no idea). Do you guys get TV channels without commercial breaks too then? @Ara we can own a TV but can't watch it without a licence. They send people round to all non-licensed homes with some device to see if you use it. If you do, it's time to pack your toothbrush for jail.
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    • Gries He
      Gries He
      Editing … hihi, "the realm of satan" got a chuckle out me ^^ ; @@Aramonde, Yes. I never watch TV, I don't have an internet connection in Munich, I don't own a smartphone, I only listen to the radio at work and they still charge me ~50 euro every three months. They should just call it a tax and not a fee and be done with it. Semantics.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … It's obvious you don't have an Internet connection at home because every 8am during the week I get lots of notifications :D Most people go to work to work, I like your new improved version though.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … You can use a TV without a license Nod, as long as it's for consoles, DVDs, Netflix etc rather than live TV you're fine.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Yeah, that's why I said can't watch it not can't use it :P It's stupid really because it only covers the BBC channels but you're not allowed to watch other channels either. They should just tell the BBC to get their own income like everybody else and save a lot of money chasing licence dodgers and taking them to court.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … It's a throwback to when the BBC was the only channel so if you had a TV that's what you'd end up watching. All the same, I like the BBC myself and without the license fee it'd probably have adverts and still drop in quality.
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Beitragsservice von ARD, ZDF und Deutschlandradio

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Created 2014-10-15 05:48 pm
Page creator Gries He
Views 209
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