• 4 months ago
    I wonder … If there was an official female Bond protagonist in a movie, would they count in such a List? Or is the appeal of this List the expendable nature of the accessories?

    What if there will be a homosexual Bond?
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    • Nodley
      Editing … There are loads of bond girl lists, I've seen them in magazines and online, people will always like looking at pretty women with tiddies.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … If you add this list we need a page for Paloma from No Time to Die. Best part of the movie.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … "What if there will be a homosexual Bond? "Then there can still be bond girls. But they will only be friends.
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    • WoodrowShigeru
      Editing … Best Bond Girls … As a Friend
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Yes. Just friends. :-)
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Not friends with benefits?
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Yes their benefits are probably that they attract hot guys and gay bond would then be able to see the hot guys up close and "feel himself". It will be a family movie.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I grew up with a proper lesbian auntie and I thought it was normal until I reached adulthood, spoke with people and saw it wasn't in every family. And I'm telling you now, the majority of these gay people today aren't real gays. I don't know if it's a trend, a peer pressure, attention seeking, insecurity because they think they are ugly, maybe they just want sex so bad, I mean we all have natural urges.... I just don't know the reasons! But I do know that a lot aren't really truly gay, they just have some issues maybe? And for some reason they feel like they have to project it in a certain way. Claire has her auntie Tracey and auntie Lorraine and they are just the best people you could ever meet, I love seeing them(it's rare) and having a drink with them because they are totally normal people. But a lot of gay people feel the need to flaunt it, they exaggerate it for attention, and they change who they are to be this gay version of who they was. I don't like that, I know it's fake. I grew up with somebody who spoke like me but when he turned "gay" started talking "gay". He's a nice bloke and we get on but why did he change his voice? It's fake. I don't know if labelling makes some people go one way or another? are they pressured to be a thing? There could be a million reasons, I just don't know.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Long story short: I will accept you no matter who are are as long as you are truly yourself.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Yes it's what I see a lot today. I think most people are like you and will accept people for who you are. Gay acceptance was already quite good actually and only getting better. It's only in recent times that people are less sympathetic because of this weird cultural movement. Most actual gay people just live a normal life and don't think that their same sex attraction is their soul defining trait or personality. Now it's as if being gay or trans is some sort of fashion statement. As if you can take the easy way out of not having to develop an actual personality. Most actual gays don't even like pride parade and they definitely do not like the way it's being focused on today with all the sexual stuff going on. Or lesbians getting told they are turfs if they say they are not attracted to a transgender woman. Weird times.
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Page Info

Created 2016-07-09 08:30 pm
Page creator WoodrowShigeru
Views 157
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