Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.2 Good
Rated by 7 people
  • 8 years ago
    I really liked this movie, but I love the fucking paintings so muuuuch! QwQ
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  • Ryan Thorp wrote his opinion about Big Eyes
    8 years ago
    Director Tim Burton made a name for himself from his rather unconventional, visually unique films. So its quite a surprise just how conventional "Big Eyes" is.
    Pros: The underlying concept about gender inequality is interesting, honest, and topical even in today's society. Amy Adams performance of Margaret Keane is very good, a deeply saddening one about a women who find herself in an unfair situation that she finds impossible to get out of.
    Cons: Christoph Waltz performance is rather one-dimensional, much like his character. Burton seem to just go out of his way to make Walter Keane the most despicable man in the history of the species. He's an a*shole without reason, and Waltz doesn't help him by playing him like a snarky b*stard who has not one ounce of humility in him. Burton, at times, has trouble with the tone of the film. One moment it can be dramatic & rather serious and then the next it can be extremely comedic in the worse way possible. Pacing is also questionable.
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  • Filly Vanilli wrote her opinion about Big Eyes
    9 years ago
    It's a pretty tame film compared to Burton's other works, and I think giving it a bit more of the surreal flavor for which this director is known might have elevated it as something even more memorable. But it's still thoroughly entertaining and not without its occasional quirkiness. My favorite thing about it is probably the way it conveys views of gender in America during the late 50s and early 60s. Of course, I wasn't alive during that time, but it felt like a very authentic depiction. Adams's performance instilled in me a deep appreciation for Margaret Keane.
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Created 2013-11-30 12:29 pm
Page creator Bioshock PAL
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