• 3 years ago
    Heavily contemplating taking a leave of absence from work July, August, and September to go disappear into the woods. In the end it will set me back a bit financially but having the safety of coming back to a job and a home makes it less daunting. And it's an opportunity I'm not sure I'll be able to afford next year when I'm in a higher job position and have my own place to pay for. I think I'm gonna do it.
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    • WoodrowShigeru
      Editing … From experience I can say, it can be challenging to fit back in after a long period of not working. But three (to six even) months isn't that long; it should be fine. Not that I'm experienced specifically in woods-living – but I can understand the drive to "leave this planet" as good as possible. Plus, being able to build a shelter out of nothing probably comes off awesome on your CV.
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    • Explojin
      Editing … I mean disappear into the woods a little less literally. It's more go up to the Adirondack park and take extended backwoods trips from 5-14 days each in different regions of the park. Returning to car camp in between the trips. I did something similar two years ago but I was less experienced and took much shorter trips. I also left my job to do that and was paying for a room back in Philly while I was up there. Both of which I wouldn't have to worry about this time around. I have full camping gear too so no need to build shelter and what not. I'll be sitting pretty in a hammock or tent depending where I'm headed into.
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    • WoodrowShigeru
      Editing … Oh … Well, then. That's probably also very pleasant.
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Created 2013-07-22 08:26 pm
Page creator Explojin
Views 788
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