Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.8 Great
Rated by 3 people
  • Filly Vanilli wrote her opinion about A League of Their Own
    9 years ago
    When it comes to the historic shift in American gender roles during WWII, most people tend to think of the Rosie the Riveters, sweating it out in factories to replace the men who were fighting overseas. A League of Their Own sheds light on another, oft-forgotten frontier that became available to 1940s women hungry for new opportunities outside of the home. The film does a nice job of portraying the touchy gender politics of WWII-era America (huge plus for women's studies nerds such as myself) while remaining a light and fun "feel-good" movie. I'm not a big fan of the ending with all the aged players reuniting, since it just seems unnecessarily tacked on, but otherwise, it's a classic. "There's no crying in baseball!"
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Alternative Names

A League of Their Own d o E
Une équipe hors du commun F
Une Ligue en Jupons F

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2014-06-07 08:33 pm
Page creator Filly Vanilli
Views 536
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