• 10 years ago
    8 - Arkham Knight. I was sold on it before it was announced, I'm pretty certain we all were. And then it was announced and in those few minutes we all went a bit bat-shit crazy. I don't need to see more to be convinced, but I'd love to see more - to be entertained.

    7 - Mirror's Edge 2. I liked the original and playing through it, it's easy to be left dreaming of where the mechanics and style can go from there. This will be another hit-or-miss for EA, and that uncertainty puts it above on my list of anticipated announcements than the above mentioned sure-buys, here's hoping they do it right!

    6 - Civ: Beyond Earth. Alpha Centauri was for me the best Civ game of all time. Even though it wasn't one by name. For me Beyond Earth will be the long awaited return what I most enjoyed out of Sid Mayer's games. I need to see more of it. An actual physical need my organism has.

    5 - Alien: Isolation. Let's be fair and honest, I've enjoyed some previous Alien titles, while at the same time managing to not preorder and be warned/saved from Colonial Marines, so I don't really have the need for an urgent palate cleanser. Yet we all must agree, we've played Alien games before, yet we haven't really played such a true Alien game. I'm not sure that at this point any further information won't just act as a major spoiler to the experience, but I'd see it anyway.

    4 - The Division. I don't do Tom Clancy games. But post-apocalyptic near future with what seems emphasis on co-op. I'd like the sound of that.

    3 - Star Citizen. I didn't back that one. I should've, but it wasn't on kickstarter, then it was, or was it. I didn't feel comfortable with the crowdfunding shuffle and it was getting made no matter what I had to contribute so I was ok with waiting on the final product. It's sci-fi, it's seems action-packed why providing quite the level of immersion. I want it to have my babies.

    2 - Mass Effect whatever. Yeah, I don't think it's called 4, they wanna move away from the saga of Shepard, so it's gonna have a sub title instead of a number, that's how I see it anyway. Favorite franchise of all time, despite the ending(yeah, I hated it, and anyone who didn't doesn't understand what came before it and should slowly back the frack up, I'm one of those guys... I should probably re-think what I choose to be pationate about, but hey, this is the internet). So that physical need, that craving I mentioned few lines ago, can't compare with the one I have for more Mass Effect. Yet it's not number one. Damn it, should it be? I'm so confused.

    Top Spot - Cyberpunk 2077. I'm gonna say it "Frack the Witcher!". Moving forward this will be the game that cd projekt red will be know for. It will go like this "The studio created the Witcher series, before moving on to shape the Sci-fi RPG standard against which all future games would be measured - Cyberpunk 20XX series." I love the setting, I love the guys behind the game, I loved the trailer that dropped the news with. GIVE ME MORE!

    That said, there are two games(SCI-FI FOREVER!), I'd like to see get some media attention at E3(or whenever). Honorable mentions go to:
    The mandate - The kickstarter project by Perihelion Interactive. It has an interesting story, customizable character backstory, space battles, drama and my full support:)

    Eve: Valkyrie - It will give Star Citizen a run for its money. Mark my words. This will make you wanna invest in Oculus or Morbeus or like eye implants or whatever they say it runs on. I'm actually revisiting my policy on MMOs(which is "just don't" btw) and considering getting into Eve Online just to get a better feel for the world before I go into total-immersion space pirating.

    Man, that was long. (That's what she said.)

    Best wishes(and play more sci-fi),
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    • Papissama
      Editing … Hey man, you know when you make your list, there is a spot to write your opinion on each you choose.
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    • Dimitar Iliev
      Dimitar Iliev
      Editing … would that be the 1000 symbol description field that strips all new lines? 'Cause this was in it, and was stripped, that's why I moved the bigger portion of my explanation to comment #1. Of course, I admit my fault if there was another dedicate slot for it, I apologize and seek direction. I am new around here.
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