• 4 months ago
    This was the year my viewing of new movies really fell off. Part of it was the Pandemic, but most of it was I used to have easier access to new screeners through my dad and they don't get them as much, coupled with not watching as many movies in general, which I want to remedy. I can't make a list for 2020 movies onward because I've seen a total of 12 movies released since 2020. The only 2020 movies I've seen are Nomadland and One Night in Miami. I want to fix this because I know there's good stuff out there but just haven't gotten to it.
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    • MrZAP
      Editing … Also, in the early-mid 2010s I filled up a lot of years by watching indie stuff on Netflix etc. I'm just not doing that as much so my counts for each year have dwindled. From 2008-2015 I saw a minimum of 32 new releases each year (though often it was watched much later), with an all-time high in 2013 of 48(!) releases. In 2016 is drops to 25, then 20 in 2017 and 2018, and then as low as 13 in 2019. Since then the most releases from a year I've seen is 5, from 2021.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … I barely go to theaters any more, both because I got out of the habit because of Covid, and because I'm extremely choosy about what indoor activities I'm willing to risk because getting infected could mean burning through a week+ of PTO. Plus I just hate getting sick. Between that and how ridiculously fragmented streaming catalogues have become, I barely watch anything lately. Strategizing how to engage in a leisure activity just isn't worth the mental labor. Like I saw Past Lives was added to Prime and was very excited to watch it, so when I logged in today I discover it's one of those ones you need to have the Paramount+ added package as well. GO FUCK YOURSEEEEEELF!!!!!
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … That said, be sure to watch the Father. Best movie I've seen since the world went to shit.
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    • MrZAP
      Editing … I definitely watched a lot more movies when Netflix was the only game in town and they had a much more robust film library. I would usually just look up movies and shows I wanted to see that were scheduled to leave the site and plan what to watch around that. I haven't looked up what's leaving when on any site in years.
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    • MrZAP
      Editing … Also, I became much less likely to watch stuff I'd never heard of on Netflix when they got rid of reviews. I would try out stuff that was highly rated that I could read two or three reviews for that sounded good even if I' didn't really know what it was. When reviews went away and you just had to go by the blurbs without any kind of designator of quality I started only watching things I'd already heard of.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … Netflix in Canada has gone to shit. Most of their new arrivals are stuff that came to all the other streaming services months or years earlier, or movies that have already come and gone a dozen times over as all the different platforms repeatedly pass them around like the village bicycle. They have a whopping 17 movies made before 1980, and I've heard of four of them, all from the 70's. So they're the last to get newer movies, and older movies they never get at all. But they'll never forget to remind you about their quality programming like the Floor is Lava or Is It Cake? At least Blue Eye Samurai was pretty cool. First Netflix show I recommended to anyone since Arcane.
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    • MrZAP
      Editing … There are a lot of other reasons too, but one reason why I still like to buy physical media when I can is so I don't have to deal with all of that bullshit. I can just have something and watch it whenever I want. Physical discs also feel more permanent, being able to go over to the rack and see them and pick them out.
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    • MrZAP
      Editing … I'm not going to say I won't pay for streaming, because I do. I subscribe to Paramount+ and Peacock, most for soccer but I'll also check out other things, and I have Dropout which is a niche comedy streaming service from CollegeHumor that's pretty good. But these days I wouldn't pay for Netflix if I didn't already have it through my parents. Maybe seven or eight years ago, but at this point it's just not worth it.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … I have access to four different streaming services and am amazed how little there is to watch. And I'm the same way with my blu-rays. Typically I'll buy movies I know I'll watch over and over. If someone is visiting and they say they haven't seen Dune, I'm not taking the chance that it's been removed from streaming. I'm yanking out the blu-ray. But lately I've felt tempted to buy movies that aren't the most beloved classics I've seen, but I've never seen them on streaming services and I'd like everyone I know to watch them. Like I've seen plenty of better and funnier movies than Game Night, but nothing has made me laugh so hard in the last couple years, yet no one I know has seen it. But my shelves are bursting with blu-rays as it is, so it's a tricky dilemma.
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