• 5 months ago
    A few years ago I overcame serious mental health issues and I tried to help people that were like me but I quickly found out that they didn't want to hear what I had to say so I swore to never speak about it again. And now I've reached the same point when it comes to nutrition and food. I feel like I have learned everything I can possibly learn on the subject without dedicating my life to it so this will be the last time I ever post on the subject, just like I did on depression 5 years ago. My story starts about 2 decades ago in MMA when we had a nutrition guy teach us things about how to get the body performing at it's peak, and about 10 years ago my nana died of dementia which terrifies me so I've been looking more and more into that research lately.

    First off I want to explain about all these studies. Vegans will point to studies showing that meat causes cardiovascular disease to validate their choice and carnivores will point out studies that show vegetables have anti-nutrients or whatever. Vegans will point out studies that show the undeniable true and proven health benefits of eating vegetables and carnivores will point to studies showing the undeniable true and proven health benefits of eating meats. So who is right? BOTH are right. Nobody is wrong. But studies only concentrate on a single thing. They will inject mice with oxolates and then declare plants as responsible for breast cancer, and when you have data that proves it you can't deny the truth. But nobody just eats oxalates, so a study just concentrating on oxolates is worthless imo. And the same is true of all studies like that. The bigger studies that take in more data are always inconclusive, they may show a trend but that's because of the modern diet which people ate before and what I will go into later, and because they only look for one thing. For every study that proves something there is also one that contradicts it with proof also.

    There's a reason I picked out the 2 opposite extremes too. What is with all this tribalism these days? If it's not vegans and carnivores fighting out a pointless debate it's Trump and Biden fans, left or right, drivers vs cyclists. Nobody seems to be able to sit on the fence anymore, it's either this way or the other.

    I stopped taking too much notice of these studies and thought to myself what is a proven way to see the results of different diets in the real world? I found that there are people all over the planet that eat extremes from both ends and live out long happy lives and have been doing so for thousands of years or more. Eskimoes eat meat and fat for 10 months of the year and DO NOT have increased cardiovascular disease like vegans claim will happen. Vegans thrive and even compete competitively in sports where carnivores will claim that is impossible. There are other people that eat mostly fish and they live out good lives too, there are many limited diets out there. But if you look deeper all these diets have some issues. Eskimoes have some health problems others don't and tend to die 10 years younger than Europeans but it's not because of what they ARE eating, it's because of what they are NOT eating(plus lack of vitamin D having 6 months of darkness and stuff). And the same is true for the other extreme, vegans are very well known to suffer from deficiencies, again, it's not because of what they ARE eating, it's because of what they are NOT eating.

    So why do people do extremes? Because they work. Why do they work? Because the modern diet is fucking awful. If you take a guy that's been living on processed food and drinking coke for decades and put him on an all natural carnivore diet eating grass fed beef will he die of a heart attack or will his health improve dramatically? You know he's going to get healthier. If you take a guy that's been living on processed food and drinking coke for decades and put him on an all natural vegan diet eating organic veggies will he die of a deficiency or will his health improve dramatically? You know he's going to get healthier. And the internet is chock full of people proving that both extremes work brilliantly.

    So what is the best nutrition plan? In my opinion you can eat whatever the hell you like, you'll probably live out a long life if you try to eat what you consider is healthy no matter which extreme you pick as long as it's natural food. But make sure you get enough of EVERYTHING. Get those vitamins, get those fats, get that protein. But DO NOT eat too much of anything, eat everything in moderation, I would say don't put all your eggs in one basket. I would say the most varied diets are probably the best as long as it's all natural foods and this seems to be what the limited diets around the world show.

    You also need to take in all the other factors in your environment too. Do you work a hard physical job in freezing temperatures or do you have a desk job where you get very little exercise? One of these will benefit much more from one of these extreme diets than the other, which do you think it is? Be smart about it, think about what your body needs and make sure it gets it.

    What do I think is unhealthy? Sugar. Processed food. Preservatives. Food dyes. Emulsifiers, E numbers.... Everything you see on a label that you can't pronouce. If it's not natural and organic it probably doesn't belong in your body. If you cut out all these you will thrive. You can even eat a small amount as long as the rest of your diet is good - there's no way on earth that I'm not going to drink an ice cold coke in the middle of summer, but I'm certainly not doing it everyday.

    I could go into detail about carbs and macros and insulin resistence and everything else but there's literally no point, all it does is confuse people even more, the finer details don't matter too much unless you need them too. Just eat good quality of everything in moderation and you'll be fine.

    And that is it. That's everything I have to say on nutrition and the last time I will ever make a post on it or interact on any of your posts unless you straight out ask me a question.
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