• 6 months ago
    I've been thinking again.

    Everything has eyes. Bats have eyes and they don't use them. Fish have eyes underwater even the one's at the bottom of the mariana trench where it's dark.

    Did every single thing on earth decide to have eyes even if they aren't used? Why is that? Didn't we all evolve seperately after a certain point? If the first know ancestor was in water why did it develop eyes instead of a super shark sense? Eyes make no sense to a shark really, they can only see about 10m or so if I recall.

    Why does everything have eyes? Why do creatures that can't use eyes grow eyes?

    If millions of years have passed since they got use out of them why aren't they gone?
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … Eyes develloped severall times in evolution, ours are told to have been ears (?) before. Unsued organs will be gone quickly if it affects the capability to breed otherwise just reduced maybe recycled to something else. Example are genes which cause deadly diseases to occure then you are old, why removing them then you will have kids already at that point. Evolution is a super slow motion reacting on non urgent cases...
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Evolution is weird. On paper it makes total sense, in reality it is a whole bunch of questions.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Have you been watching creationist video's? I remember seeing video's with exactly the same question. As for how it all works we can guess I guess but in the end we can never really know because we were not there. we can only make up plausible stories from what little archeological evidence we find and from what we can observe from living creatures. Maye it all works like we think it does but I have no clue.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … No I was watching some wildlife documentary and it got me thinking.
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