• Nodley1980
    10 months ago
    I really love 80s rock music. To me it still sounds as good today as when it did as a wee boy. Here, my mate grew up living next door to the drummer in this video: https://youtu.be/6dOwHzCHfgA

    You know, I bet sometime soon there is a 80s rock revival kind of thing in popular music, it's far too good for the trend to not come around again. I'll be at the front of the crowd wearing spandex embarrassing my kids.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Behehe this came up whilst watching 80s music. It's new and it's fun: https://youtu.be/ulJBJYie0l8
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … I just wish kids would come up with their own new music that is actually good and authentic. There is no life in regurgitating things you do not truly fully feel or understand. Kids now can never understand 80s rock because they can never know the 80's no matter how many 80's movies of music they watch and listen to. I can’t even understand the 80’s because I was born just after. Young people can certainly enjoy 80 music and appreciate it and be inspired by it but it can never return like it did because the 80's are dead.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I wonder why there is so little decent new music now. Have people become lazy in this society and find it easier to just copy? Ask anybody the greatest 100 songs ever. Not a single person will put a new song in there. You get the odd flash here and there but modern music just isn't as good generally. Technology and auto tune probably plays a part too. Look at the biggest stars of the 2010s and compare them to the biggest stars of the 1980s lmao, they aren't even in the same league. Is creativity dead? Is it a problem in society? Am I totally wrong and just old?
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Maybe it's because of the fact that a lot of people are quite concerned with their public image. If you are too concerned with what people think and just want to be liked by a lot of people you will probably play it safe and make things that have already had success. I also think that to make great music you need to let go of your ego a bit and that is not easy in the culture we have now. I am sure there are musicians out there making some insanely innovative music but they also probably have trouble getting noticed because they might not fit into an established category. The audience has also changed and mostly young people get exposed to music through tiktok and what you see on tiktok is mostly songs that are already very popular and not that challenging to listen to. When I think back to the early 2000's and 90's there were just so many artists making music that was very unique and relevant. There was just a sense of progression in that time. Lots of creativity. I just think there is a lot of stagnation now. It will loosen up again someday I think. Maybe the times just need to change.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Hmmm yeah, public image seems to be a big thing now. I can't imagine ozzy Osborne giving a shit lol.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … lol I cannot imagine what it would be like if artists like Ozzy Osborne were obsessed with their likes and followers. That would be insanely funny because it does not fit his vibe at all.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Imagine him posing on Instagram :D Funny story when the mrs was little she lived in London down the same street as Hagrid from Harry Potter and some lady out of Eastenders TV show, it was a posh part of London. Anyway, there was a pub on the corner and Ozzy used to go in now and then. My father in law said he used to be drugged off his tits and just sit there staring into space
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