• 1 year ago
    Damn I need to sleep, but I don't want to go too early.

    Last 2 days I've been given early starts. Thursday was an 0345. I wasn't tired after 2 days of doing nothing and couldn't sleep until about midnight. No bother, I'm used to it, I can manage for a day easy. But then I got a 0145 start the next day, I had to be in Wrexham, Wales for 0600. But I can't sleep properly when I know I have to be up really early, I keep waking up to check the time. So after about 5 hours sleep over 2 nights I'm hanging on. If I go now I'll be out like a light but be awake after 8 hours or less at 2-3am which sucks like OoT.

    Somebody needs to invent a sleeping pill where you decide your go to sleep and wake up times. I'm usually better than most at sleeping, but when I get an 0145 it's like my brain just won't let me be late no matter what and refuses to shut down.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I have a rule that I can't turn off my alarm until I'm sitting up, but while I'm half-dreaming I keep coming up with weird reasons for why I don't need to wake up. Like when I was reading Skippy Dies, multiple times I woke up and thought "Skippy's dead, nothing matters anymore" and turned it off to go back to sleep. One time I thought it was a "snooze 1 hour" button.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … In the end I got 10 hours sleep, wow I really was tired.
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