• 1 year ago
    Ok, right. I've had a crazy idea that I think would work, I've been watching Youtubes about all different engine types(I am a qualified mechanical engineer too). So my thinking is why not get 2x boxer engines and put one on top of the other giving you the benefits of every type? I mean, the crank is going to be a work of art and the biggest thing in the engine by far, but you probably ain't gonna need a flywheel with that beast spinning. But you would get all the advatages of V configurations, the balance of an inline 6 with the small size of a boxer. It'd be a....something 24.... there's not a sideways letter.... sort of like an X24 engine but the X bent at the crank so the cylinders were parallel. Is an X engine even a thing? That could work too... but I think that's basically a radial engine, but with not enough cylinders? No, I'm thinking a twin boxer inline engine. Sort of 4x inline 6s slapped back to back in twins.

    It's going to be crazy expensive to build and maintain, so that's an issue, but why isn't this configuration already out there for race cars or something? To my very limited brain it just seems like it should be a thing, if you take away cost it should absolutely be a thing.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I'm also thinking exhaust ports inbetween the two engines so you share just one exhaust on each side. So one engine would be "upside down" to the other.
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    • Explojin
      Editing … Yes I understood everything you said and you should do that.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Creativity with engines. This might be the start of a beutiful art career or a massive explosion.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … During my entrance exam for university(it was different for me as an adult learner) I was given 30 minutes to put a presentation together for the rest of the group. So I fell back to what I knew and showed them how an engine works. I really REALLY suck at public speaking but I explained it simply and did ok. My drawings were quite bad too, the engine version of stick men lol.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I got interested enough to look into it and it's been done, it's apparently called a H engine layout, and has twin cranks instead of my 1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H_engine A bit more research say's they used too much fuel. Ah man, I thought I was onto something there :( But Wikipedia does mention the balance that I thought would be there, so I guess I was onto something at least.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I guess with an engine with so many cylinders in a car where tyres are the point you put the engine power to the road you'd probably have to set it up in a "big bang" configuration. If every cylinder, or even bank, was set up for every quarter turn of the crank it'd be super smooth but you'd never get grip, you'd have costant torque. So if you set it up where some cylinders fired together you'd get a gap in the power delivery so the tyres could grip. Damn, now I'm imagining if you built it as a 2 stroke! It'd be undriveable. Maybe this is why it only made a few race cars and was mostly a plane engine, I'd imagine constant power and torque is a good thing in the air with no tyres breaking contact
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … You sound like you know stuff but I don't know anything about engines to know if you know your stuff. I guess I'll give you a A+ for your engine project because you checked before blowing shit up.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I learned the hard way I blew up a few motorcycle engines back when I was at school. I was always trying big bore piston kits and bigger reed valves trying to get an extra 3mph or so.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Learning the hard way is the best way.
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