• 5 years ago
    A twitter troll started going at Patton Oswalt, and he went fucking savage at them. Dude found out the guy was going through some health troubles and donated to his GoFundMe, encouraging his followers to do the same. DESTROYED.

    "Patton. You have humbled me to the point where I can barely compose my words. You have caused me to take pause and reflect on how harmful words from my mouth could result in such an outpouring. Thank you for this and I will pass this on to my cousin who needs help. A cascade."

    "I want to thank everyone who came to my aid with generous outpourings- and also to @pattonoswalt without whom I would not be the recipient of so much love and support. I'm not a man who ever cries but I had to wait to send this. And to quote Stuart on Big Bang "meat tonight"!"
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