• 5 years ago
    I've had some really absurd tech issues today.
    Among them is the problem with my mouse caused by a graphics driver update. Yes, I updated my video drivers, and my mouse stopped working. Switched USB ports, tried it wired and wireless, it wouldn't work. So I use the Start Menu to open my web browser, Steam, my autojoin.bat for my group chats, and then after finding no help with this specific Nvidia drivers-based issue, I went to see if Windows could detect the mouse. I opened the Start Menu, typed "mouse," hit enter, and... and Steam started playing all of my music by 3OH!3.
    Windows knew my mouse was there, but couldn't do anything with it. I opened the Logitech Gaming Software, and it "updated" (LGS will never actually update itself, a manual download of new versions has to be performed, Logitech's not smart), and started running through the install. Throughout all this, I've just been tabbing my way through each page.
    I tab to the "next" button on the first page, but on the second, it doesn't work. The keyboard can't interact at all. So I go to the Start Menu again, and this time activate numpad mouse controls, so I can make my way through. Finally, I get through the installation, and the mouse works without issue.

    what even

    (other tech issues include there not being enough space to install a hard drive, so I solved it by installing all three storage devices upside down, and temporarily bricking a USB stick and possibly an SSD lmao)
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