• 7 years ago
    What the hell? I log on for the first time in several days and am greeted with this...

    It's weird to try and express how I feel about this. Due to a quirk of philosophy I don't tend to mourn deaths anymore so much as I tend to just be angry about them happening. I feel anger at your death, because you didn't deserve that; it was, in my book at least, unjust. That anger aside, I am saddened to hear about your death. I haven't been around as long as many of the others, and didn't know you nearly as well as some, but I hope you knew that I did appreciate your work and the community you'd helped create. I, like others, did complain about the state of the site sometimes, and I'm sorry if that ever caused you harm. You always seemed like a pretty cool dude and were always around to help or answer a question. I think that all things considered this site is brilliant and if it can stay up I have every intention of sticking around for the long haul.
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