• 7 years ago
    The movie just starts and you're expected to follow along. It slowly unravels the story but doesn't give one mention to Chigurh's motives. None of the characters are properly fleshed out in the time it takes to tell the story, its hard to care when they're all portraying emotional ranges along the lines of fence posts. I understand, from the Wikipedia synoposis, its meant to make the viewer think of consequences and such, but it hardly directly engages on that level. Its captivating at times but not entertaining and yet it won awards all over the place. Someone tell me: how is this slow, quiet, jumbled mess of a story more deserving of awards rather than movies like Deadpool or even The Tourist. Deadpool ACTUALLY engaged the audience (in more ways than one) and was coherent. The Tourist led the viewers on an action-mystery and the payoff was rewarding. No Country just seems more focused on making the viewer try to form their own opinion throughout conflicting themes.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Ahh, finally somene who realises this movie is really "meh!". I really disliked it.
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