Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.6 Fantastic
Rated by 25 people
  • 5 years ago
    Can't believe I'm considering playing this again with the release of classic servers, but classic WoW, TBC, and WOTLK were honestly the best experiences I've had in gaming. I don't think anything will ever top that experience for me.
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  • 5 years ago
    Come August I will have been playing World of Warcraft for half my life, holy fucking shit
    (I mean I'm not really playing it at the moment but I'm still there in spirit)
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  • Helendloc wrote his opinion about World of Warcraft
    5 years ago
    There's like four different games to opinionate here, it's changed so much since I started. I started playing back in the TBC days in 2007 a few days before the Zul'Aman patch dropped and it consumed my whole life for years, I used to get up a couple of hours earlier than usual before school to play some WoW before I left, then sometimes I'd OD on sugar to feign a fever to fool my mum's thermometer so that I could stay home and play it. I'm in the camp that thinks Wrath was its prime days by far. Plus during Wrath I joined a guild that felt like a family to me and I've got so many fond memories with those guys.
    Then the Dungeon Finder ruined the social aspect of the game, Cataclysm ruined the "world" and "second home" aspects, Mists ruined talents, that beloved guild of mine died sometime here and everyone in it has since stopped playing, Warlords ruined general skill-based gameplay and the rewarding feeling you got from levelling characters, and that near-max level boost has always baffled the fuck out of me and must destroy the experience for new players, and now it's a sad little shadow of what it used to be. Since Warlords the story has been surprisingly strong for WoW and Legion made the gameplay "fun" with its class & spec improvements but those aren't what made WoW the monster success it was back in its day.
    And it's not just rose-tinted glasses, I've tried playing on a TBC private server and everything I once loved about the game was there intact and I had the same experience I loved back in the day and it gave me the exact same feeling of wonder it once did. My eyes felt heavy from having it all back again, man. I hope classic WoW will bring back a similar feeling but since I wasn't there for vanilla idk whether it'll be a good substitute for me personally or not.
    I based my 10/10 rating on its golden age days, I can't give it anything lower with how great it used to be.
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  • 8 years ago
    I really miss never actually having to ask the question "What should I do now?" in relation to my free time. The answer to that question was obvious, I should play WoW with my friends! It was unmatched.

    The game and community are such a husk of what they were back then. It really felt like entering another world whereas now it feels like entering an xbox live chat room from 2007.
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  • Daan vM wrote his opinion about World of Warcraft
    9 years ago
    This game. I made a new character, before I knew it I had been playing for 20 hours straight.
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  • Fred TR wrote his opinion about World of Warcraft
    10 years ago
    Words cannot describe just how fun and memorable my 3 year journey through WoW was.
    As sad as it may sound, I feel privilaged to have experienced the WoW phenomenon.
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  • Ninersfan4926 wrote his opinion about World of Warcraft
    10 years ago
    Ah, WoW. I played this game for quite a bit, although I have not played for a few years (nor will I again), and I am glad. It is extremely addicting, and that's why I give it a 7 for good, but it lacks the qualities I really love in a game. First of all, it has zero story. It has lore, but no story. I also hate the combat, the auto-attacking, as it becomes so repetitive and boring. The equipment and items are all fun with the economy as well, but I can't really get into a game that has no story and bad combat. I'll sum up my experience with WoW: It can be really fun and addicting, but eventually I realized nothing I did mattered, I was not reaching an end goal, and there was really no reason for me to actually play through the game.
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  • Pudding wrote his opinion about World of Warcraft
    10 years ago
    It's really difficult to review this game. WoW has changed so much since its launch, that it's almost not the same game anymore. Sure, the basics of the game are, more or less, intact. Sure,the game looks and sounds almost exactly the same. But at the same time the game is a far cry from what it used to be. It used to be a hardcore MMO in which you had to work (hard) if you wanted to achieve anything. But with that came a sense of enormous satisfaction. It got progressively more casual (read: worse) with each expansion. Deduct 0.5 rating from my score for each expansion.
    Pros: Fantastic art design and musical score, sense of satisfaction and awe, social aspect, really polished
    Cons: A lot of grinding needed, tedious when rerolling a class
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  • Doubleagent wrote his opinion about World of Warcraft
    10 years ago
    'LFG Baron 45min run!' Rivendare why did you never let me get my hands on your mount. /cry
    This game kept my interest for 6 years which is saying something! When I first moved from Runescape to WoW I was amazed by absolutely everything, it was in a whole other league. Until very recently WoW all-ways had something for me. Ive played Causal, PVPed in Vanilla and TBC, and raided in WoTLK. WoW has a great atmosphere that draws on all aspects of the Warcraft Universe, the soundtrack is stunning as is the story and leveling content recently introduced by Cataclysm. I will miss the great times I had with my guilds Gnomeland Security and Mercenaries of Azeroth as the wonderful people I met there created some of my favorite gaming memories.
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Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 2,320
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