• 8 years ago
    I've played through this twice now.
    Each time was... eh?
    The big, glaring "holy shit" is the combat. It's the worst. Entire hordes of enemies can be defeated by the simple mashing of light-attack, rendering magic and dodging practically useless (and blocking? No point whatsoever).
    My last playthrough was on hard difficulty. I died thrice. During the Kayran fight, it begins by swinging a tentacle, and that one-shot me. Next attempt, I just dodged it. Second death occurred during a cutscene, so I'm not sure what happened. Third death was against the final boss, the one at the tower. That's me avoiding spoilers. As I had avoided placing my skill points to add additional challenge, one hit (from any enemy) would often take away more than 60% of my health. I gotta say, that extra challenge actually made the game more interesting.
    Decisions, though often more blatant than in the first game, had a huge impact on the game, making it so two players might have very different expSHITMYCHARACTERLI
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … ...eriences. Despite this, the story didn't quite compare to the first game's, at least in my eyes, and sidequests were just boring. They're tedious and bland--but maybe that's because I got so tired of running around each of the hub worlds, which were--again--dull. The first Witcher may have had large hub worlds, but they held much more content, and could be traversed much quicker. In The Witcher 2, I just wanted to mod in sprinting, anything to speed up the process. Another issue was that dialogue trees had been toned down, providing less talk of philosophy, far fewer options overall, and vague dialogue choices, in the same vein as Fallout 4. Like that game, there are many characters than can't be spoken to after running through their sparse options.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … There are positives, however. The game looks very pretty, and has fantastic textures. You can also cut Geralt's hair to resemble his appearance in The Witcher 1. The soundtrack was also highly enjoyable, even if it didn't quite match the first game's. The game isn't bad, I'm just passionate about the series, and this was absolutely (only a Sith deals in those...) not up to par with what the franchise should be offering.
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