• 8 years ago
    Superb and thrilling time travel story, great writing, great cast of interesting characters with great performances, Joyce, Serene and Wilder especially, good graphics, good atmosphere the sections in areas with broken time being highlights and great combat. In terms of gunplay it's a solid if a bit generic 3rd person shooter. Where the combat shines however is the time powers. Tearing through a group of enemies combining powers and guns is satisfying and smooth. It's a good balance of having a feeling of power when using all available powers and guns to efficiently tear through enemies but also isn't too easy to where it becomes boring. I'm confused by the lukewarm reception to the combat in my opinion it's more interesting and unique than most 3rd person shooters. The rest of the gameplay involves getting from point a to point b with minor platforming and a little bit of puzzle solving. It is a linear game but each area has collectables and chronon sources to upgrade your time powers and unlike most games the collectables are all related to the story with most being emails and notes, providing background for characters and providing a glimpse into certain characters plans. But obviously the big talking point with QB is the structure of the game, the TV episodes and junction points. It's certainly unique and the structure and presentation of the game is completely built around the Game TV combo and for the most part it works. The first episode isn't amazing and feels a bit disjointed but the rest pick it up and are all interesting and flow really well with the game. It's storyline intertwines with the narrative of the game focusing more on the goings on withing Monarch and some characters not involved in the game showing their perspective as spectators to Joyce's mission. Many people have said there is a "lack of gameplay" and that show is unnecessary and that it takes away from the game but I don't think either is true. Both the game and the show get to a point after the first act where they really hit their stride and work great together and also are good enough for each to stand on their own and that is impressive feat in my opinion. The game and show just get better and better with each act and episode. What you end up with is a fantastic and unique narrative focused third person shooter that doesn't lose site of the fact that it's a game and it needs to be fun to play.

    Score: 9.5
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Haven't played the game, but nice review! :) I'm gutted my laptop can't handle it.
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    • Ed Kick
      Ed Kick
      Editing … Thanks, it's definitely worth playing however you can play it.
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