Ed Kick

  • 6 years ago
    And you, I like you too, Egg Cork
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  • 6 years ago
    100 again?
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … I never edited it, so it remained untarnished. My revised list is in the comments though.
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  • 6 years ago
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  • 6 years ago
    Was beginning to wonder if having this as my #1 most anticipated game since it was teased at E3 2016 was a bit premature then I E3 2017 happened and I regret nothing.
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  • 6 years ago
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  • 6 years ago
    I'm dumbfounded that they still haven't gotten combat right and free-running is still clunky. I'd figure after 10 games into the franchise they'd have one of the two main features truly nailed down but nope.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Free-running's actually very comfortable on keyboard & mouse, since that camera seems to be the defining aspect of controlling the parkour. It also helps that I rebind everything. Haven't played Syndicate, though.
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    • Ed Kick
      Ed Kick
      Editing … It's not horrible but the denser the city the more it struggles and coming from Black Flag it really shows that they still haven't perfected it yet.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I personally really enjoyed the parkour improvements in Unity, especially with the "Parkour Down" mechanic (bind it to right click!). There's a chance I'll enjoy it in Syndicate, with my trusty kb/m.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … I'd say Syndicate was actually a move backwards from Black Flag in both departments (I skipped Unity). Apparently Unity still allows you to leap off a high ledge even if you'll take damage. Not in Syndicate! You want to drop down from on high, you have to do the slow awkward downward auto-climb the whole way. It really takes the rush out of a chase. Ugh, and that gimmicky final boss fight. If you're going to make a final boss that lame don't even bother having one.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Assassin's Creed has long tried to have boss fights, but its core combat mechanics don't seem to play well with the concept. Bloodlines for PSP did have some pretty legit bosses, though.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … All the boss encounters in previous games were lame but they were pretty brief and easy to breeze through. The one in Syndicate is one of the most repetitive, tedious, uninspired 6 minute boss battles in history. You keep thinking "Great, big stabby finisher, it's over.... wait, I have to do this AGAIN?!" I looked it up on youtube to remind myself of just how much I hated it, and just watching it at 2x sped up felt like a chore.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … oh no
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  • Ed Kick rated AT. LONG. LAST. A$AP // score is (9.0).
    6 years ago
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  • 7 years ago
    Finished my 2nd play session of Andromeda a couple days ago (about 6hours in) and overall felt less impressed than the first couple hours with the game. Finished the first main quest and established first outpost and did a few little side quests and some exploring on the first planet Eos.

    A bit choppy and oddly paced is a good way to describe the second chuck of time spent with the game. It feels like they're trying to get things going quickly and just jumping around a bit quick but they're also offering an open area to explore full of side quests at the same time it feels a bit odd.

    On the performance side I've still not encountered much in the way of problems. I had a couple points when driving the nomad where it stuttered single time than went back to normal. I had one occasion when an animation occurred where I was supposed to be wrestling with an enemy but the enemy wasn't actually in my arms, and I had one kinda funky walk from Ryder.

    The intro and first main mission definitely felt like the game doesn't quite have it's legs firmly underneath it. And I am spending a lot of time with the negatives but my overall experience has not been negative so far. It has shown however that this isn't another perfect Mass Effect game and I think that threw a lot of people off. But there are still plenty of positives like I mentioned after my first session.

    The story and premise of the game are interesting and being the "Pathfinder" has a ton of potential as I continue into the game. The combat is good and continues to grow on me, it feels like Mass Effect with some extra flourishes. The RPG elements from ME1 so many have been clamoring for are back with a vengeance. There's a ton to upgrade, unlock, level-up and craft. All of the graphics that aren't people faces, especially the landscapes look nice. The sound design is great and the soundtrack, while not on the level of 1-3 (some of my favorite soundtracks ever) is good. The new ship, the tempest is really cool. And my favorite part already is the new crew. I've not spent enough time with them to really know if I like all of them but at this point it certainly seems like I'm going to really like all of them. I'm excited to keep playing, I hope the game can settle in its groove and that I enjoy the rest of my time with it.
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  • 7 years ago
    Have had an afternoon with Andromeda now. About 3 hours in so far and thought I would just offer some general thoughts so far, since Andromeda has proven to be quite divisive. (No spoilers but obviously don't read if you want to go in blind)

    First since its been such a hotly discussed topic, the facial animations, yes a lot of them aren't very good. Obviously Andromeda has taken a beating in this regard and I have defended the game saying, if some wonky facial animations are they worst part of the game I'm ok, and I stand by that however some of the character models and facial animations are frankly unacceptable. The weird part of the character model/facial animation issue is it's so inconsistent. Some characters like Foster Addison (female character, used in most of the negative screenshots) are quite bad but others like squad member Liam Costa are completely normal (not incredible, cutting edge but certainly acceptable) that's the weirdest part the inconsistency and the swings for good to bad. Also like many have said the problems are almost exclusively with human characters.

    Another highly scrutinized aspect of Andromeda is it's performance. I have had no real problems so far. One case of slight pop-in when loading a save after dying, two cases of the weird elbow walk shown in so many gifs, and one case of an enemy sliding across the ground without his feet moving for a few feet. Nothing unacceptable or game breaking so far but I am only a few hours in so it's possible I see some performance gremlins as I keep playing.

    Now the combat, again I'm early so I by no means have a full arsenal at my disposal but I don't quite see what the fuss was about I neither think it's "so incredible" or "clunky garbage" or any other type of super positive or super negative hyperbolic statement that so many have been throwing around. It's fine, still feels kinda Mass Effect-y but obviously with the jet pack it has more movement and verticality. I don't think it strays to far positively or negatively from any other third person shooter I've played, maybe as I get further my opinion will lean more one way but so far it's good.

    So far I like the story and the concept of the game and being a "pathfinder" I think there is a lot of potential and I'm certainly excited to see where it goes. The new cast of characters certainly had their work cut out for them (most of the crew from ME 1-3 are very high on my fav game characters list, and I know I'm not alone) but I like what I've seen so far. Cora and Liam the two squad mates you start with both seem cool and likeable so far. Drack and Peebee have both just recently been introduced but both had really cool introductions and I'm just really excited so far to get to know this new crew.

    The only thing I'm unsure about so far is Ryder, Scott in my case, and again for about the fourth time I'm really early but he just doesn't seem that interesting and he isn't exactly in the group of characters with good animations. Maybe I'm looking back with rose tinted glasses on my first few hours with Shepard but I think Ryder has a ways to go to even get close to filling the shoes of one of the greatest game protagonists ever.

    My very, very initial thoughts on the game are fairly positive and I'm really excited to keep divine in as the week goes on.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Updates! :P
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … Deleted by himself
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … I've got no strong opinions about the gameplay but I've watched a fair few of the cut scenes online now and the story/characters/writing all seem mediocre. It looks worse than ME3 so I think I'll give it a miss.
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    • Ed Kick
      Ed Kick
      Editing … In my opinion the characters (like most Bioware games) are the strong point of the game. I legitimately like every crew member so far. I think it's a fantastic cast of characters. I've heard some complaints about the writing or voice acting and while it's not perfect and not quite as good as 1-3 I think most issues that people are picking out as writing/voice acting are actually caused by the facial animations/models not matching the intended emotion or tone causing the voice acting or writing to come across as off.
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  • Ed Kick rated Prey // score is (6.0).
    7 years ago
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … This is factually incorrect
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    • Ed Kick
      Ed Kick
      Editing … It had some interesting mechanics and some really unique atmosphere, probably would been really fun to play if I had played it in like 06 or 07.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Can you please stop spreading #FakeNews
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