• Pudding wrote his opinion about Max Payne 3
    9 years ago
    Max Payne 3 is a Michael Bay game through and through with just a hint of Max Payne. Gameplay is strong with plenty of adrenaline pumping moments, but unfortunately the game frequently interrupts the action with either pointless cutscenes or to tell a mostly boring story filled with unsympathetic characters. It's a fun game, but by no means deep. Even though it wants you to believe otherwise.
    Pros: Excellent gunplay, great level design, plenty of diversity in locales and gameplay, amount of detail in the environments, solid sound effects, moments when it comes close to capturing the spirit of the original
    Cons: Annoying visual effects that are spammed left, right and center during cutscenes and occasionally gameplay, too many useless cutscenes (that usually can't be skipped due to them covering up the loading) that break up the pace, writing wants to be smart, but rarely is, Portuguese is spoken frequently and yet there's no translation, weak characters and voice acting, boring story
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … I thought the writing went a bit unappreciated. **SPOILERS** - It's essentially a detox-story were Max uses a bunch of wealthy and empty human beings as a vehicle for sorting his shit out. He uses them to relieve his suicidal episodes from the previous games but isn't aware of it. The fact that he isn't self-aware means that the *happy* ending could turn around pretty quick in the sequel, they have a lot of options for the next game now.
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    • Pudding
      Editing … The problem I have with that theory is that **SPOILERS** Max stopped drinking only half way through the game. When he hits the favelas. So, essentially, everything was set into motion as well as his motives were set, while he was an alcoholic. He wasn't using the rich to sort his shit out, but rather to continue to piss and moan about his life. When people started getting killed he was clinging from one person to next, as he didn't want to fail them like he ''failed'' his family and to an extent Mona. Now, the problem I have with him is that he was drowning in self-pity almost all the time and I simply can't stand that. The previous Max Payne games had these moments of self-pity, but they weren't as frequent and actually meant something.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … Le **SPOILERS** Detoxing would last long after your last drink though, there's also his secondary addiction I forgot about with the painkillers. And yeah that's exactly what he is doing, clinging from person to person to try and relieve his guilt, the fact that they are 'empty' people makes it much easier for them to be vehicles, and if he fails he can just move on to the next one without adding new emotional baggage. Like when Marcelo is burned alive, Max just moves on, he is using them selfishly. As for the self-pity, it should be far worse than in the previous games because he is an old, overweight addict dealing with a lifetime of trauma. Brazil becomes a giant therapy session for Max but he is using violence, again, to solve his internal pain. So he hasn't exactly changed by the end of the game.
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    • Kylin Snowden
      Kylin Snowden
      Editing … Story would have been better if they made it connect to gameplay in someway. When he stops drinking, you would expect their to be some kind of side affects. When he talks about how hard it is not to drink, why not allow the player to experience this. Change up the gameplay a bit, raise the difficulty curve. Allows you to sympathize with Max more. Im bored of narrative in games consisting of "Do the action bit, now wait for a cutscene". Also, damn, was that game not humorous in the slightest. Took itself way too seriously.
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    • Pudding
      Editing … Agreed, although to be fair it did try to be funny occasionally, but those attempts fell completely flat and were in clash with the tone of what was going on outside the jokes. What strikes me particularly odd is how little attempts at black humor were there in this entry...
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … Considering you are dealing with organ trafficking and substance abuse, humor would be hard to place. The whole, 'bald fat American with a loud shirt' section was good in my opinion though. There's plenty of games that do humor so I don't expect every release to cover the entire spectrum of entertainment. The main problem I had was that cutscenes cannot be skipped.
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    • Pudding
      Editing … First two games had equally dark stories and yet the black humor, especially in the first one, was done rather well, so I don't see how they couldn't fit it in, especially if they tried and failed at some comic relief moments.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … Which moments failed? Apart from the 'tourist' section I can't really remember any attempts at humor. There was the guy hiding in the toilet, you meet him later again too. It wasn't really funny though, just kind of sad... Same with the first games, I can't remember any jokes off the top of my head. I don't think humor was ever the selling point for the series though, is it really that bad if one game out of a hundred doesn't crack a joke?
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … I tried to Youtube "Max Payne funny," this is all I managed... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjL3kBWgwVM
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    • Pudding
      Editing … Some of the lines and the toilet guy, who served as a comic relief of some sorts. You're right, the humor was never the selling point and I never claimed it was, but it was placed there occasionally and it fit. Here it didn't. I can't quote any jokes from the first two, but I remember that Max would occasionally use the dark humor and there was the comic relief of the *SPOILERS* Baseball Kid mascot guy in the second one. The whole situation was absurd, but it was more fitting than the reoccurring toilet guy.
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