• 7 years ago
    Far Cry Primal has some good things going for it: the setting/time period, the characters, a more logical implementation of the hunting/crafting mechanics, etc. But ultimately the game does not do enough good to outweigh my feeling that this game just oversaturates the Far Cry series especially coming out so close to 4. Far Cry 2,3,4 were all fantastic open world FPS's, don't pull an Assassin's Creed and start churning these out every year. So unfortunately Far Cry Primal is a solid game.... that I wish didn't exist.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … It was a quick game because they just reskinned the Far Cry 4 map, future games would have environments built from the ground up, and would take longer. From my perspective (as someone who hasn't played it) it's like Blood Dragon with Far Cry 3, but with more scope. Hopefully that means we have nothing to worry about.
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    • Ed Kick
      Ed Kick
      Editing … Hopefully, I've already heard talks of Far Cry 5 tho, I really hope it's a ways off. I'm really excited for the next real, full, mainline Far Cry game but I don't want to see it for a few years. Far Cry 4 was fantastic imo but it did suffer from staying in 3's shadow. In many ways Far Cry 4 was better (it was mechanically better, had more to do, more guns, more vehicles, more customization, a more interesting setting etc.) But for many it suffered from a bit of "been there done that" and it didn't have Vaas and Pagan Min (while good in his own right) couldn't hold a candle to Vaas. It was really a fantastic game but didn't have nearly the impact 3 did.
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