Magnifying glass User Average Score

6.8 Good
Rated by 3 people
  • 6 years ago
    Guys you should check out that Krampus fella
    If you want a very self-aware Christmas movie with excellent character design and proper holiday themes, give this a shot.
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    • free fall
      free fall
      Editing … It is a good Christmas movie, I love the National Lampoon esque feel of the first act of the movie with the dysfunctional family all getting together.
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  • Husky Wing wrote his opinion about Krampus
    8 years ago
    This isn't a horror film--it's a Christmas movie with horror themes. The movie makes no attempt to scare the viewer, instead showing them a darker side of the holidays, and surprisingly, it's... actually a fun Christmas movie. The main child actor wasn't even the least bit annoying, either! Woah!
    The Krampus though, the actual beast, it was fantastic. I did not expect the Krampus to look so magnificent, his mere presence enhanced every scene. Some of his helpers, namely the elves and the clown-thing, also had great appearances (the other helpers? Not so much).
    No, seriously, that Krampus looked amazing. Sure, some of the scenes involving his less aesthetically pleasing helpers were just silly nonsense, but that Krampus was spectacular (and other synonyms for "great")!
    I want to see this Krampus again, but horror sequels always suck. Still... I'd be tempted, just to see Mr. Krampus again.
    "Sequel: The Krampus does the same thing at another house, but slightly better executed." Nice, me.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Character limit reached. btw the Krampus creature looked pretty nice
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Movie Info

Released Yes

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Created 2015-07-12 08:39 am
Page creator Husky Wing
Views 428
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