• 1 year ago
    Damn, the only thing about selling all your gaming stuff is that sometimes you get a random urge to go play a game and you can't anymore. Well, you always can, there is ALWAYS a way nowadays. But having to pay £25 for an 8 year old game on Steam, it's Watch Dogs btw, I will never do(a fiver and I defo will), or I can download and pirate it which takes time on a torrent.

    I just can't justify paying £25 for such an old game on Steam, it's a ripoff. Imma pirate it. Then next time the urge appears I will be ready.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … To me steam just seems like a way to increase the backlog of games you will never play. My backlog is good as is. Pirates for life.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Steam is amazing. All those games stored and just a click away. I was last to get on board with online gaming and not owning physical copies but it makes so much sense to me now. The world isn't what it was, we have fibre optic superfast internet now. I just wish people weren't so greedy with old games. Like, who is ever going to pay top dollar for really old games? The old call of duty games are still max price like new games. That's just silly.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … I'm fine with a digital option but I just don't value digital as much as physical copies. If it's a new release I'll pay money for digital but if it's old I won't pay for it. Old physical copies I will pay for. I find that I don't care about digital games as much as physical ones too. My brain does not understand That I have so many digital games so I just forget they exist. I see my cartridges though and then I think oh! I want to play that. And then I play. I hate that a lot of games are digital only. There are a few digital only games that I would love to have a physical copy of. Digital just does not feel real to me. It feels like I don't own it. I'll never get used to that. So I'll pirate anything that I think is old and not indie. I'm not paying for something that does not feel real to me and can endlessly be reproduced at no cost. When games become a "service" I'll quit gaming at once because fuck that. I'll take up crocheting or something.
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  • 1 year ago
    I really like this lady and her gaming history videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/LadyDecade/videos

    For once in my life I'm not there for her cleavage, I'm watching purely for the vidya games. She has a very British sense of humour though which some of you might not get, but give her a try. It's funny when she lays into the comments haters calling them incels and stuff :D
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    • Sudertum
      Editing … Now i know the reason for the Super NES design in NA.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … It's sooooo ugly! It should be renamed Klemoib.
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  • 5 years ago
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Created 2018-10-16 09:25 am
Page creator Janpeter Radünz
Views 45
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