Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.0 Great
Rated by 1 person
  • 5 years ago
    Not the Deus Ex film anyone asked for, but certainly the one we deserve. This is the coolest movie I've seen all year. Check it out the first chance you get. The story is a little predictable and contrived but it has loads of fun with its premise, and is a very impressive effort for such a minuscule budget.

    The action is very stylish and unconventional. It reminds me of the stories of Peter Weller taking mime classes to learn how to move about in the Robocop suit. These characters duke it out in ways you've likely never seen before. Some of the bizarre camera-work occasionally distracts from the fight choreography, but it generally works for what it's going for.

    This certainly isn't the next Mad Max: Fury Road or anything, but in an era of overproduced, derivative blockbusters, this goofy little action flick was exactly what I needed, and I hope we get to see a sequel or followup in some capacity in the future.
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Created 2018-12-08 07:13 am
Page creator Sandvich
Views 25
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