• 2 months ago
    A day in Luxemburg be like: In the morning talking to an older neighbour in letzeburgish (official national language close to middle german). Then going to a bank to get finally your credit card now talking in english (obviously). Hungry after all that talking entering at noon a restaurant speaking french (why not) is now expected. Meanwhile listening to media nearby which are in highgerman (for real) getting curious about law changes, but those are written in french (yep). Back home with a headache getting invited to the (mostly) new neighbours which are portuguese!
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … I once saw a movie with a vampire in Luxembourg, who's sent to retrieve the finger of a jazz musician based on Chet Baker (both played by the same actor--coincidentally, this actor also played Chet Baker's father in a different movie)
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Okay I think I remembered that wrong. The hitman and the vampire might've been different people.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … That's insane. Would be cool to know so many different languages. I could never do French though. It's quite hard but that's something you can work on, but I have no motivation to learn french because all french people I have ever met were spoiled and utter cunts. I'm sure there are nice french people too, but somehow I always meet the nasty ones.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … Most French people expect you to learn French when you go there but when they come here, they don't learn Dutch, they expect the locals here to cater to them and speak French as if French in this day and age still has the same status as a global language. Their English (the actual global language) sucks hard as well. Some french tourists can't even ask for simple directions in English. I once met a young french man who acted out signs like an angry lunatic to ask where his train was or something. To this day I still don't 100% know what he wanted. I also don't know why he was so rude and angry to me, a random stranger who was just waiting at the station.
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Alternative Names

Luxembourg d E
Luxemburg G
Luxemburgo S
Lëtzebuerg (Luxembourgish)

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Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 400
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