Magnifying glass User Average Score

6.9 Good
Rated by 9 people
  • IceTheRetroKid wrote her opinion about The Incredible Hulk
    6 years ago
    I actually like this movie for what it is, it could probably be stronger, but the emotions conveyed in the film empower the film for me. It makes me relate to the emotional side of Hulk without being talky drag like the Ang Lee film. The actors are much better choices this time around and I kinda miss Edward Norton sometimes, because his chemistry with Liv Tyler was great here and it's probably the only time Hulk wasn't played for any laughs like in future MCU installments. The story is a bit smaller scoped though compared to other MCU films and doesn't feel as grand, but it's still a bit gripping. It's a bit of a black sheep for the MCU, considering that, it's not actually very important to the storybuilding of the overall MCU (other than the very unexpected cameo from Tony Stark), so in that regard, the slack is that it's not the most interestly interlaced with other MCU films, but it's good on it's own.
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  • 7 years ago
    I can never make up my mind about this one. Sometimes I enjoy it and other times I find it boring. Luckily today's viewing was the former.
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  • 8 years ago
    The only MCU film I haven't seen. Should I change that?
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Alternative Names

L'Incroyable Hulk F
The Incredible Hulk d E

Movie Info

Released Yes

Page Info

Created 2014-02-08 11:35 am
Page creator Nodley
Views 721
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