Magnifying glass User Average Score

5.6 Not bad
Rated by 4 people
  • 9 years ago
    This might very well be the strangest movie I've ever seen. Ten minutes in, I thought to myself that there's no way this concept is going to keep me entertained for an hour and a half, so I was incredibly surprised when it did. I finished watching it, and thought to myself that I can't wait to tell my geeky movie buddies about the strangest movie I've ever seen.
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  • ded man wrote his opinion about Rubber
    9 years ago
    In my fullest sincerity, this is by a long-shot the worst movie ever made. Its frustrating randomness doesn't work comically or stylistically. It's only backed up by the infuriating moral of how everything happens for no reason, which is this film's sorry excuse to call itself an art-house film with a sorry excuse of a message. Especially considering the disgusting and offensive directions they go with it. Not only does the whole message not make sense, but it's down-right offensive to the human psyche and the use of film as an art. And because the whole film revolves around this message, it's just an hour long punch to the shaft. On top of that, the film is mind-numbing and boring. Even with the above average cinematography, the film is just insulting and draining to look at. I know it's using bad acting in an attempt of a throwback to old B-Movies, but it only comes across as bad acting. This film gave my cat AIDS. 0/10
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Movie Info

Released Yes

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Created 2013-11-16 12:34 pm
Page creator Erektionsite
Views 631
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