Magnifying glass User Average Score

8.0 Great
Rated by 10 people
  • 1 year ago
    I liked FEAR 3 but hated Bioshock. Just goes to show how popularity is not necessarily an indicator of quality.

    It makes me wonder if I would like the Crysis games. Are they secretly great? Or secretly terrible? I can see it going either way. Hmmmmm..
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Crysis is secretly great (on PC), Crysis 2 is secretly awful (designed for consoles), Crysis 3 is something I secretly haven't played. Retain the numbers and switch out Crysis for FEAR for more of my thoughts. But you posted on Resistance 3. Do you like Resistance 3? I loved Resistance 3 (with PS Move). I hope they port it to PC (with native Move & Hydra support).
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    • rockshard PhD
      rockshard PhD
      Editing … Nobody played Crysis 3. I find that telling. But then I remembered that nobody played FEAR 3 either and I ended up loving that. That's what compelled me to make this post. I wanted to post on the FEAR 3 page but I cannot get Favslist to bring it up. So I posted on Resistance 3 instead, which is another FPS I liked. I've owned all five Resistance games and 3 is the best one.
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  • 5 years ago
    Beat this. Fantastic! So surprising that a franchise could start with such generic and boring entries, then suddenly transform into this. The settings are imaginative, beautiful, the shooting is varied, the game is always giving the player more toys to mess with, and the game encourages experimentation by giving the player a full wheel of weapons. Yep, rather than just carrying two guns like every generic shooter, this time around every collected weapon is added to your stash, rather like Half-Life, Prey, Rage, or Doom. It's simply more fun that way.
    Man, everything about the game was so much more interesting than the past two games. The environments looked captivating, the characters were actually worth a damn, and this time, I actually wanted to get into firefights. It just never got boring, it never felt like I was doing the same thing over and over again.

    The PlayStation Move controls were so much more accurate and comfortable than playing with analog sticks. The controls had no learning curve for me as I've played FPS games with the Razer Hydra before, so aiming only required a twitch. I've always found gamepads sluggish, even with the sensitivity cranked up, so this was a very relieving feature.

    This is such a leap over the first two games! They don't compare in the fucking slightest, I'm completely shocked this is the same series and the same developer.
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    • Explojin
      Editing … I too enjoyed this game. Was disappointed it didn't get much praise when it came out. I however did like the bland first two entries as well though.
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    • DJ_JJSlider
      Editing … ...He did it.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … I also liked R2. Picked up R3 for $5 several months ago and still haven't finished it. Its time has kinda passed, though I'll try to revisit it one of these days. Same deal with Killzone 3, but I'll probably return to that one first.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … It's aged, but it's got some beautiful scenery. Do you have a PS Move? You gotta try it with PS Move.
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    • Sandvich
      Editing … I do not.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … ... consider the investment
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  • 5 years ago
    guys it's really good
    why did they even make a 1 and 2 they should've just started at Resistance 3
    also why don't more console shooters support PlayStation Move this is so much better than aiming with an analog stick
    the shooting is also actually fun this time around
    the world and gameplay are so much more imaginative
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  • Pudding wrote his opinion about Resistance 3
    10 years ago
    Resistance 2 made a massive jump, in terms of quality, from R1. R3, astonishingly, made almost as massive of a jump from R2 and came close to perfection in terms of singleplayer FPS campaign. Shame that the characters feel like an afterthought, but considering how intelligent the game and level design is, it's easy to let that one slide.
    Pros: One of the best level designs to grace an FPS, terrific game design, fantastic and diverse weaponry that packs a punch, awesome environmental design, superb graphics, really fun to play
    Cons: Characters (writing and VA included) are a huge letdown, sound lags occasionally, could have used more non-shooting segments and environmental storytelling, disappointing radio guy, AI and music aren't that hot
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  • Explojin wrote his opinion about Resistance 3
    11 years ago
    In terms of actual combat and atmosphere, this is my favorite of the Resistance series. All of the guns feel just right and they level up as you use them (much like Ratchet & Clank). I felt the whole lone man on a journey was better then the military agenda of the first two. Sadly the story feels too rushed and I found none of the characters really compelling. I also encountered quite a few bugs that made objects glitch and enemies invincible. It's also a relatively short experience only running me about 8 hours until completion. Barring all story and technical issues, the combat makes for a really fun 8 hour experience.
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Released Yes

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Created 2013-03-26 06:51 pm
Page creator Papissama
Views 922
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