Magnifying glass User Average Score

7.5 Great
Rated by 3 people
  • MasterCrash wrote his opinion about Paranormal Activity 2
    9 years ago
    I don't recall much of the first movie, I remember that I thought it was kinda boring and not as scary as it was hyped to be.
    With that said, my opinion about the second installment in the most famous ghost series of this decade is fairly better.
    Yeah, it's still quite boring in some parts, I guess it has to do with the fact that most of the movie is about the normal life of normal people, but at least I cared a bit about them this time.
    The scary parts are far and in between, but when they happen they happen well, the suspense actually works here... for the most part. And the end is alright, I suppose, I really didn't understood how they left the basement though... that transition is weird.
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Created 2014-03-18 11:03 pm
Page creator Husky Wing
Views 502
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