Magnifying glass User Average Score

1.0 Abysmal
Rated by 1 person
  • 7 years ago
    It's not only a movie tie in game but its free movie tie in game so I knew it was going to be horrible, I was going to play it for a few minutes while waiting for my Battlefield 1 Beta to download, throw it on my least favorite games list and move on but its even worse than I thought. It is easily the worst game I've ever played. I can't even fathom why this game was released. Ever single element of this game graphics, gameplay, sound etc. is easily in contention for worst I've ever seen in the medium. I would say I feel bad for the people who were forced to spend their time making this game but I don't feel like they really lost much time, maybe an afternoon or so.

    EDIT. I was going to give it a .5/10 but I'm not allowed to do that apparently so it will get a 1/10.
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Created 2016-09-08 03:24 pm
Page creator Ed Kick
Views 419
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