• 7 years ago
    #Florence Welch is my fav male vocalist. <3
    Wait, what?
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    • Not Important
      Not Important
      Editing … Ella Fitzgerald is mine
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    • Papissama
      Editing … Yeah, I need to clean up that list.
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Do it after you make the female one though :I
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … So this used to be an overall favourite singers list and now it's male only and we have no overall singers list? Wouldn't an overall singers list first and then new male/female specific singers lists further down the line have made more sense? What's the deal @Papissama?
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    • Papissama
      Editing … The music artists list serve as general list.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … So you've jumped straight from the category of music artists to the sub-sub-category of specifically singers that are also specifically male? Seems like you're removing the obvious middle ground of a list that's specific to singers but is open to both genders. I'm mainly puzzled that you turned a months old list people had made into a different list rather than leaving the months old list as it is and making a brand new more specific list. It's not as if the site's music lists needed merged because we had too many of them.
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    • Papissama
      Editing … I think it's too much to have lists with both genders. I don't want to make the ranking too redundant. I did the same for sports. There won't be a favorite tennis players. We'll just have separate tennis lists for each gender. I'm not worried about the 76 people that have already participated, some of them are not even active anymore. Favslist is still in beta as far as I'm concerned, so I have to make big changes I have to do them now.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Yes, yes, don't worry about your only active users and their lists, it's not like they put time and effort into them or anything :(
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    • Papissama
      Editing … Ok, I see that you guys are really going to make this difficult on me. Look, I've been working my ass off (for years now) almost by myself on this. I've always listened to your feedback. Some have been complaining that progress was not coming fast enough - now I've finally reach a point where I CAN make those big improvements, so let me make them. I've already explained why lists are being updated and I won't do it again. If I didn't care about our active community, I wouldn't be answering you right now...
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    • Papissama
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … But at the end of the day, cutting the list is only going to punish the actual anime fans. These are presumably the people this list is targeted at in the first place. All this complaining is because the changes are punishing the people most devoted to the lists, while having little impact on the people not taking them seriously.
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    • Papissama
      Editing … I don't want to mislead anyone, so I'm going to be honest. My vision of Favslist has become clearer in the past few months so here it is. Favslist is NOT a site where you rank stuff just to rank stuff. The purpose of ranking is to CHOOSE your favorite to define who you are. If you feel punished because you cannot rank all the anime movies you've seen - Favslist is NOT the place to rank all your movies, just your favorites. On the other hand, you will be able to list (not rank) all the movies you've seen. Based on those favorites, Favslist's purpose will be to build connections between people/communities. I'm sorry if this is not the direction you wanted me to take, but this is where Favslist is going. I'm not 100% sure but I think websites like "Ranker" let's you rank everything you want with no limits.
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    • Silent Gamer
      Silent Gamer
      Editing … Okay, I'm not going to pretend that I'm not more than a little disappointed by that :( In my experience, people's top 5/10 always seem really similar, it was always the lower entries on the list that interested me. The little niche titles, the quirky games, the obscure songs that aren't 'Top 5' material, but are still an important part of that person's personality. That is the one's that always brought up the discussions and caught my interest. But at the end of the day, it's your website, you are the one that has put all the effort in and it's your vision that matters. Apologies if it seems I've been a little harsh in my criticism, but I liked the 'in-depth nature' that the larger lists brought. I'll stick around to see what comes of it, but in the meantime, I'll probably steer clear of list-making for now.
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    • Not Important
      Not Important
      Editing … I understand. I think it's stupid and serves no good purpose, but I understand where you are coming from. It's just that things like movies, music albums and games have a lot of very avid fans, but I guess you need to draw the line somewhere. I don't understand getting rid of honorable mentions, I don't understand it at all, they don't effect anything, they don't affect the rankings or anything, they are just there for the people who want them.
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    • Papissama
      Editing … I get your disappointment - just remember this though. Everything I just said will the base/backbone of Favslist. I need to go back to our fundamentals before we introduce FL to a broader segment of people. Once it's done in a simple and proper way, we can then think about expanding niches like gaming, anime and such. Unfortunately, it takes time, patience and discipline to do this right.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … It seems like a waste of the potential of the site to me to be honest Pape. You don't want people to thoroughly express their opinions and preferences through long lists and reviews, you don't want people to be able to use your database to create personal custom lists and you aren't bringing new lists out quickly and have even taken away some of the old lists/turned them into different lists. It just seems so unnecessarily limited. I don't think your vision of a site aimed at 'a broad segment of people' where people list their favourite things and then get content and friends recommended to them based on what they've ranked and a few algorithms is at all incompatible with the place to thoroughly express our opinions that a lot of the current community would like the site to be.
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    • Papissama
      Editing … Only time will tell, Rich. Only time will tell...
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