• 8 years ago
    Favorite Walking Dead characters (who are, as far as we know right now, alive):

    1.) Michonne
    2.) Carl
    3.) Sasha
    4.) Glenn
    5.) Tara
    6.) Eugene
    7.) Jesus
    8.) Carol
    9.) Aaron
    10.) Daryl

    Honorable mentions: Abraham because of his weird, unique vulgarities; Gabriel because, YAY, character development!!!

    pre-season 6 spoilers
    SpoilerI really didn't like Carol since... well, not long after Sophia died. It felt like they were focusing so hard on making Carol their Strong Female CharacterTM that they didn't want to show her being vulnerable or, well, human at all. Maybe that's harsh, considering this--this impenetrable, stone, uncaring facade--may just be how some people respond to the amount of trauma and heartbreak she's endured, but I didn't find her likable or terribly interesting. She was really one-dimensional. HOWEVER, with these last few episodes, they're finally showing a side of her that's very raw and believable. So that's why she's on my top 10 now.
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