• Ulty wrote his opinion about The Cabin in the Woods
    10 years ago
    I was hyped as shit when this movie got the ass kissing praise it got, it was the first 90% positive horror in, like, EVER! This was gonna be great!

    ...oh god, this movie...

    Wes Craven did what this movie tried to do, and failed, TWICE! With Scream and, arguably, New Nightmare. At least these movies told a coherent plot, from beginning to end...these movies actually picked a tone, and stuck with it...this movie is acclaimed as original and breaking conventions, even though IN THE F***ING 80's this was already cliché'd and done over! This movie has no idea what the f*** it was doing, it has office comedy over here, some teenager comedy over there, high level of gore in the corner, and then it becomes some kind of supernatural shit that we're supposed to think about and take seriously...f*** this enormous piece of shit!

    Do NOT watch this movie! Don't let the praise deceive you. It is, quite possibly, the worst, most poorly told story in the history of fiction!
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … It made me laugh when I saw your review of this @Ulty. Your complaints about not picking a tone and sticking with it, incoherent plot, having no idea what kind of movie it wants to be and not deserving acclaim sound exactly like my complaints about #Cloud Atlas and you love that film.
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    • Ulty
      Editing … What? Cloud Atlas did have a tone. Are you talking about the story of Timothy being more comedic and light-hearted? Well the movie kind of uses it as comic relief, and almost every movie has it so it doesn't create an inconsistent tone at all. Every story sticks to a serious atmosphere. Incoherent plot? I really don't get what's incoherent about it. I get that it can be hard to follow and convoluted to some, since it's essentially telling 6 stories in one movie, but the core premise is present throughout the entire movie as shown in the future timeline. It's a story about multiple timelines, what it means to live in different periods, what you become and how you change throughout history, and that ultimatetely your life is connected with of your ancestors'. I seriously think you're trolling with the acclaim...what acclaim? This movie got slammed quite a bit! It was a failure at the box office, and got mixed reviews by critics at best. Cabin in the Woods is accalimed as one of the greatest horror movies in recent years...are you seriously comparing the praise of both? Dude, c'mon...
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … Cloud Atlas is about an escape attempt from an old folks home, an Atlantic slave trade poisoning, an interwar composer facing homophobia, a 70s conspiracy thriller, a sci-fi future borrowing from Soylent Green and Blade Runner and a primitive post apocalypse with a hallucinating main character. For me it's all over the place in terms of tone/genre with 6 near as makes no difference separate plots spliced with each other making it way more incoherent and disjointed than Cabin in the Woods. As for acclaim I'm pretty sure at least some critics loved Cloud Atlas and the film definitely has a few people I know singing its praises which is enough praise to baffle me. We disagree, you enjoy it and that's fine but I still find it funny how similar your Cabin in the Wood criticisms sound to how I feel about Cloud Atlas.
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    • Ulty
      Editing … Tone and genre are not even close to being the same thing. It picks a serious tone, but since the movie needs some comic relief it gives it to you in Timothy's timeline. They didn't use the multiple genres just because, it helped to accentuate the point of you being a completely different person in a completely different setting in past lifes. You completely missed the point in that regard. There was a point to it all, a sole purpose and message connecting them. Cabin in the Woods is the one that's all over the place! First it's Friday the 13th, with the stereotypical characters, then it's some sci-fi setting, then at the end it becomes some kind of supernatural Lovecraft plot...it was all over the place, with nothing connecting it all or making any sense of it. Is it horror? Not really, the only scary thing is the fact people actually bought this garbage. Is it a parody? It wasn't funny at all, and even if that's what they went with Scream and New Nightmare did it way before this movie and way better. Is it a thought provoking story? All it does is generate some supernatural shit pulled right out of Joss Whedon's ass at the end, it throws a question without actually giving the audience something to think about. It's just a misguided movie without a clue on what it wants to do.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … Tone and genre aren't the same thing, I was just pointing out that Cloud Atlas is all over the place in terms of genre as well as tone. I don't think I missed the point as though it's a brilliant film and it's my fault for not appreciating it, I could tell what the film was trying to do in terms of tying the disjointed stories together with its themes but I didn't feel like it pulled it off and didn't enjoy it. I've seen Cabin in the Woods once and thought it was pretty meh, I'm not defending that film, I just find the similarity between your criticism of this and my criticisms of one of your favourite films quite funny.
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    • Ulty
      Editing … It isn't all over the place at all, I can't even understand how it could be but very well it's your opinion and I respect it. You didn't appreciate the movie because you thought it was too flawed, it's not your fault at all. Fair enough, but I still think these criticisms cannot be applied to Cloud Atlas in any realm of existence.
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    • Rich .
      Rich .
      Editing … My mind is an inconceivable realm of existence to you? I'm going to try and take that as a compliment.
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    • Ulty
      Editing … Hahaha didn't mean that in a bad way at all xD
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