• 8 years ago
    Wow, just wow. I have to say watching this was much harder then I anticipated it to be. In all honesty I thought I could of come out of Phantom Menace and be able to defend it to some degree, that it isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Well while I still believe it isn't as bad as it's made out to be - aka worst movie ever - there is just not not much good that can be said about it, it really isn't all that great. Where do I even begin with it? Characters are incredibly shallow - seemingly lifeless - as they deliver dialogue with absolutely no conviction or heart to it, they just stare dead eyed at each other as they speak in monotone. I mean dialogue has never been a strong point of this franchise, but God dammit is it just the worse here. At least in the original trilogy the actors delivered this questionable dialogue with some energy and life; In Phantom Menace everyone looks dead inside as they do it. If there is one thing the Phantom Menace shows is that Jedi, by character design, are boring & shallow and need other characters around them to give the film live, energy, and heart - and that's not even necessarily true as Luke had plenty of human characteristics to him. I mean where's the Han Solo or the Lando Calrissian of this movie, of the prequel trilogy in general? There isn't one, and the closes Phantom Menace even gets is with the most hated character of the franchise - Jar Jar Binks. For all the well deserved shit he gets for being a downright horrible character, at the very least he isn't dead inside like everyone else seems to be. But what my biggest gripe with Phantom Menace is that it takes over an 1hr 50min (the start of the fight between Maul, Kenobi, & Qui-Gon) to feel anything close to a Star Wars movie for me. What is even worse is that between the beginning and that moment there is only one enjoyable moment I had, the podracing sequence. Everything else is either a) dead inside actors delivering monotonous lines b) boring exposition delivered in monotone c) Galactic Republic C-SPAN or d) bad child acting. So while I won't say Phantom Menace is the "worse movie of all time" I will admit that there is clear problems to it. It has moments that are enjoyable but is weighed heavily down many things that, overall, lessen the experience for me - sometimes making it down right unbearable for me to watch.

    Also can you fuck off with your stupid special editions Lucas. For Christ sakes I can clearly tell what you've fixed over the years as it looks so jarringly different & out of place from the rest of the CGI effects.
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