• 8 years ago
    Meant to do this hours and hours ago. So, I finished season 2 of Digimon. How about a little recap? I like it less than seasons 1 and 3, but still like it quite a bit. If I had to give them numbers...
    Season 1: 10/10
    Season 2: 8/10
    Season 3: 8.5/10
    I'm not sure that numbers really express my feelings well in this case. Season 2 is DEEPLY flawed, even if you take out the usual dub problems. But I care a lot about the things that work, especially since my expectations were low. When I was a kid, I felt like season 2 was just okay. I only recorded season 1 episodes on VHS, so that's what I watched in middle school, which is when Digimon became my number 1 favorite show, to later be replaced by The Simpsons. After high school when my parents got good internet (but before I found Unikgamer), I watched all of season 3 on Youtube. Unlike seasons 1 and 2, I like the first episode of season 3, and in general like the early episodes of season 3 more. However, while seasons 1 and 2 improve about a third of the way through, season 3 takes over half the season to get any better than it starts. I almost gave up on it but I'm happy it didn't. After I finished season 3, I tried to watch season 2 and only got a third of the way through before giving up because it was boring and irritating me. I don't know if I would still dislike those early episodes as much. I got back into the season where I left off, and it seemed like an immediate improvement over what I'd watched a few years ago, though still with problems.

    Here I'll list out season 2's pros and cons (for me personally of course, though I can't imagine offending anyone over what I say about Digimon).

    - I like the animation and love the background music, as is true of seasons 1 and 3. Plus the Digivolutions have the usual cool factor and I like the fast pacing and abundance of dialogue and characters.
    - Blackwargreymon is kewl.
    - The stories of multiple evil characters turning good.
    - The story's complexity in the second half
    - The character stuff in episode 31 and the massive exposition dump in episode 37
    - The emotion and themes of the last two episodes, as well as the wrapping up of the first two seasons in a nice bow.
    - The season's darker elements. Season 2 is lighter and softer than 1 and 3, but it still has some surprising themes of grief after death, and whether it's right to murder to save lives.
    - Davis and Yolei improve in likability.
    - The Digimon Emperor is a cool idea.
    - The transition from Digimon Emperor to Ken and Wormmon'sSpoiler sacrifice.
    - Blackwargreymon's Spoilersacrifice is kind of useless. That could be called a story flaw but I think it's realistic and cool.
    - As dumb as a lot of the humor is, I did laugh more than I'd think.
    - Anytime anyone gets slapped for being dumb.
    - Ken gets a couple of really powerful moments that snap him out of being emo.
    - The convoluted Digivolving gets an explanation and is used well at the end.
    - All the references, callbacks, and general season 1 continuity, as well as continuity within the season.
    - Kids from the first season older and acting as mentors.
    - The sheer optimism of the season is pretty uplifting.
    - Kari is still cute. Matt in a rock band seems legit. Davis' noodle dream is pretty great.
    - The story might be messy, but a lot of the stuff the writers do to patch up the plot holes actually works pretty well.
    - Wizardmon comes back! With foreshadowing!
    - Owikiawa turns into a good character at the very end and fits nicely with the themes of Ken and Blackwargreymon.

    - What a mess! The writers were tripping all over each other starting and stopping arcs and having to cover plot holes with more plot holes and recons. Yeesh! Some stuff didn't get much attention while other stuff got too much attention, like Iwakawa's two lackeys getting way too much screen time for how important they are. Iwakawa himself took a while to grow on me, and I don't love his design.
    - Lots and lots of bad jokes.
    - The plot in the first half is shallow, and the new characters seem shallow for a long time. I took forever to warm up to Davis, Yolei, and Cody. Still not sure I love Cody.
    - The first third of the season is generally weak, like in season 1 only probably worse.
    - The Digimon Emperor is a generic, cackling, one note villain until the reformation begins.
    - Emo Ken goes on too long.
    - Of course there's the infamous theme song, and unlike season 1 and 3 I don't even find the visuals cool.
    - The Digivolution is convoluted as fuck and takes forever to make sense.
    - First 18 episodes are just generic kids versus generic evil guy and that's about it.
    - Digidestined all over the world? Why? Doesn't that cheapen the idea? Why is Gennai so young? What, there's other versions of him now? One of them has an Aussie accent? What happened with that Dark Ocean and Daemon guy? Why does destroying the Destiny Stones hurt the Digital World? What are they? Da fuck is going on!?
    - Boring World Tour.
    - Mimi doesn't die. (I kid, I kid.)

    If anyone actually took the time to read this big steamy dump, thanks.
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    • Dr Eggnog
      Dr Eggnog
      Editing … I forgot, another pro is the DNA digivolution concept, where two characters have to bond for their Digimon to fuse together. It's only done super well with Yolei and Kari, but that was one of my favorite episodes.
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