• 8 years ago
    I never understood why this game seems to have a generally good reputation. It's a massive step down from the first 8-bit Sonic game in every way but music. Even little things are weirdly off. Like they started the game with the blandest looking level with one of the hardest bosses rather than something that's either fun or eye-catching. Really, none of the bosses are any fun, there's constant leaps of faith (Green Hills Zone Act 3 might be the single worst act in any Sonic game for this alone), the gimmicks like the hang glider are more annoying than anything, and none of it really comes together. And what's with Tails being plastered all over the box and being in the preview shot of each level, but otherwise being the game's missing princess rather than a playable character? I still wouldn't call it a terrible game, but it's easily the worst 2d Sonic platformer I've played. It's amazing that Sega kept using this developer for their 8-bit Sonic titles, but they at least do a much better job for their next two games, even if they don't match the quality of Ancient's single Sonic outing.
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