• 8 years ago
    The first two games were simply the most immersive games i have ever played.There were so many little details found while playing that made you care about the main character Ryo and made you feel like you live his actual life and you are not simply a puppeteer with super human powers.The closest any other games have managed to go is probably the yakuza series and that probably because some of the design team were actual part making the first shenmue games!Well also the largest budget of the time of 70 million dollars maybe had something to do with that immersiveness.Days had different weather,people wear different clothes depending of the weather,opened their ombrellas when i rained or search for shelter,everything felt dynamic and alive and that was years before other sandbox games came even close to that level of immersiveness.Really if they add that level to immersiveness using all the latest whistle and bells of new game engines like Unreal 4 they are going to use they would have something truly special with shenmue 3.
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