• 8 years ago
    Oh god...the bitching people on the internet are doing about Nomura admitting to make changes is fucking hilarious xD
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … THE GAME ISN'T THE EXACT SAME?!?!!? >:U
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    • Ulty
      Editing … Why are people so afraid of change? I get that in real life it can mean some of the toughest moments you'll ever face, but in a game? IT SHOULD BE WELCOMED, C'MON GUYS >=(
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    • Travis Green
      Travis Green
      Editing … For a sequel or new addition to a series? Absolutely, I'll welcome change. Even a reboot, I'm fine with (love the recent DmC, for example.) But when it comes to making a remake for my favorite game of all time? That's when it gets tougher to accept change. I mean, my position on it is that I'm willing to accept change in certain areas, but some things I flat out don't want changed. For example, if it doesn't use the classic ATB system, I may not be able to play the game anymore, because FFVII playing more like a modern FF, would just be totally unacceptable to me.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … They still haven't found a good battle system other than ATB or FFX's TBS. FF13 has a fake action system that just reduces any strategy without giving any of the freedom of an action game, so I really hope they avoid this. FFXV might be different though, haven't had a chance to play the demo but maybe they will adapt that system into the remake.
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    • Travis Green
      Travis Green
      Editing … No, I'd be really upset if they did. The FFXV combat system is extremely clunky and boring, and really just goes to show that they have no business experimenting with full action battle systems, because they clearly don't know how to pull them off properly.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … Yeah I'm not a fan of half-arsed action, especially since Platinum have made so many good action games; I was hoping FFXV might have improved. My favorite is still the turn-based system in FFX; plus, turn-based games can be enjoyed by a lot of people, even with disabilities etc.
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    • Ulty
      Editing … I thought XV's battle system was just fine (polish aside, of course), if there's one thing that system isn't is boring IMO. But anyway...this is a remake. Not a remaster or re-release. This is going to be a reimagining of the FFVII experience, it would make literally ZERO sense to keep it the same from a gameplay perspective. It's risky from a financial standpoint, but a good artistic decision.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … It depends, is Square doing this for the fans or doing it for themselves? Some people just want to see their old game get a graphic makeover, others will want a new experience. We've already seen the results of Square experimenting and it has ended mostly in poop though, so skepticism is understandable. FFXV will give some idea of how well their new design approach works, and how well it is received; so I'm hopeful for that.
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    • Ulty
      Editing … If some people only want a graphic makeover that's their problem, because this is a remake. NOT a remaster. I disagree, most of the time Square experimented it resulted in some really great games. III introduced a job system that redefined how we saw classes, IV introduced a revolutionary ATB battle system and it changed how we think about combat, VI's magicite system added a whole new level of customization, with VII's materia system adding its own level of depth and choice, and VIII had a really interesting junction system. After VIII they pretty much gave up on experimentation, IX and X didn't experiment at all in terms of gameplay, XIII was an interesting hybrid at best, with XII being the only one that tried somethinf different...and it worked beautifully! What we really should be worried about is the execution, now the will to change IMO.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … I should have clarified, I'm talking about experimenting post traditional-FF as Square-Enix not Squaresoft. XII I thought was their best deviation, I didn't like it but it was solid design wise. XIII wasn't a hybrid though, it faked it was an action game but it really was just the ATB reduced to one button. Then they made arbitrary limitations on leveling, presumably to distance from grinding, but regardless turned each individual fight into a grind. It wouldn't have been so bad but they stamped out three of them, making me worry that internally they are happy with that style of game. Again though, FFXV alleviates some of my distrust since it seems to go in a different direction.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … Also, I don't think it's anyone's 'problem' if they want a graphic overhaul; I'm not that attached to FF7 either but it doesn't grant me authority on what people want. The terminology of remake and remaster is not that particular.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I want nothing changed except better graphics and a bigger more to scale world(you walk around the planet in like 5 minutes). I want the original FFVII on steroids.
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    • Ulty
      Editing … I hope I didn't sound like an arrogant asshole, but to be perfectly honest I don't understand that sentiment. Playing a remake, brimming with possibilities and potential for greatness, just for the exact same gameplay and experience but with updated visuals and bigger spaces just seems pointless to me. That's as far as i'll go don't wanna piss anyone off here...
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … You won't piss anyone off if you say it like that. The attraction is the increase in scale and detail, but they don't want to lose the core experience. Imagine if Sqeenix deviated and turned FF7 into a Kart racing game; obviously that's a ridiculous idea, but for some people the departure from ATB to an action game, or from open environments to linear ones might be comparable. You can't really be wrong or right on this one: do you want the same core experience, or a new game? It's personal preference.
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    • Ulty
      Editing … I want changes in this remake, to be a fundamentally different experience, but you're taking by word way too literally. Changes yes...but a change in genre is, of course, way too much. This is still an RPG, Action RPG i'm okay with but any other genre would obviously be betrayal.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … But Ulty, that's exactly what we fanboys want, the game we love. Anything different and it might as well be FFXVI.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … Yeah there's always that, if they want to make a new experience just make a new game. Same with reboots in a way too.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Reboots are just a way to get people interested straight away by using a name/reputation they like.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … I'm trying to think of a reboot I liked, I'm sure there's one.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … MAD MAX
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … Yeah that movie looks good.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Good is an understatement. Look at your life right now, and expect it to improve by 200% after you've seen Fury Road.
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