• 8 years ago
    Sorry, Ms. Sarkeesian. this movie was phenomenal.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … There's no pleasing her lol: "Viewers get to feel good about hating cartoon misogyny without questioning themselves or examining how sexism actually works in our society." It would be cool to see a movie like Mad Max trying to deal with domestic violence; but people also watch these movies to escape reality sometimes.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … She isn't wrong, but it doesn't make this film less amazing. Like, obviously MRAs found it relatable enough to our society to flip their collective lid over it. "Rape and sexual slavery are bad" "FEMINIST PROPAGANDA!!" People are excited because for once, we have a well renowned and respected director, behind a well known action movie franchise, creating a film that's all about a diverse group of women kicking ass and supporting each other, and ultimately overthrowing an oppressive regime in the process and being hailed by their peers as heroes for it. Disabled women, women of color, old women--not just a single, token, ~exceptional~ woman in a group of men who is white, young, and conventionally attractive and reduced to "The Hot One." In fact, the men here were the "tokens" and that's incredibly refreshing to see for once. The story is centered on women, and it wasn't any less visceral or intense--arguably it's more so because it's not the same bland narrative we've seen in action movies a million times before. I also read she said something about the movie encouraging people to like ~manly things~ like fast cars, gunfights, and explosions, and it's like... if you don't like that stuff then you're free to watch a different genre of movie, but Miller just proved that you can have all that stuff and still appeal to women (including those like me who don't normally watch action films), so... Don't get me wrong, I think Sarkeesian is really important to gaming culture because lbr, she would be experiencing just as much abuse from #GlompyGluters regardless of whether her feminist discourse was always on point, lol. She seems really knowledgeable about games and I agreed with basically everything said in her first video. I try not to watch a lot of her stuff because she kind of triggers my anxiety sometimes (I've come to associate her with some really nasty arguments I've had in the past). But she's just cherry picking here and I've heard it isn't the first time. :L
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … Yeah if it's going to make you anxious it's not worth stressing yourself, though it's a shame if arguments are causing you to avoid something you are passionate about. She did mention something about manly activities: "Feminism doesn't simply mean women getting to partake in typical badass "guy stuff". Feminism is about redefining our social value system." I'm not sure if you could make an action film without 'badass' stuff though... I'm always torn on these things, I love action movies and games, though I hate violence in society.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … Again, that's an argument I can get behind (wrt feminism not simply meaning women taking part in "badass guy stuff") but it's an /action movie/, and it's not like Furiosa was one-dimensional. They showed her to be sensitive at times, too. Furiosa is a really interesting character and I wish there had been time for more characterization for her, but if the movie does well enough, maybe Miller will think about doing a prequel film going into her background or something. I'd love to see another movie about her.
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    • Filly Vanilli
      Filly Vanilli
      Editing … Also, I'm really sick of fast cars, gunfights, and explosions being constantly labeled as ~guy things~ by feminists. I understand that society at large associates these things with men and "softer" things with women and that's why the former is treated, by and large, as cool and the latter as frivolous and unimportant, but maybe if we as a society made an effort to stop calling this stuff Guy Things and Girl Things we could finally eschew this particular brand of misogyny.
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