• 9 years ago
    Truly an hidden gem.
    I've enjoyed this game, even with all its problems.
    Gorky 17 is flawed and it's nothing that much original either.
    Its just a turn based strategy adventure game with some rpg elements, back then it was probably the first time i´ve seen a game that mixes genres like this, but it didnt do anything i haven't seen before, and it was a fairly simple turn based game as well.

    Its scarce in rpg elements, there arent multiple routes you can take, you wont do any moral choices, its fairly linear, and even the leveling up sistem isnt all the complex, it's also inconsistent when it comes to difficulty.
    What it does right though, might be the reason why i choose to replay it after all this years and still find it so addicting.
    For starters Gorky 17 is all about resources and tactical thinking, the game is easy as long as you are good at managing what you got, there isnt much ammo or health lying around and characters themselves become better with weapons after using them in battle.
    winning isnt enough, finding the best strategy too waste as less ammo and life as possible, is just that important, you will have to know your enemies, know who too attack first and be aware of your characters limitations.
    for a survival horror this fits well, more importantly it adds a lot of depth to an otherwise simple game.

    The story is just ridiculous and so is the acting and the dialogue, its just so over the top but it works perfectly and its done while maintaining its horror atmosphere through the all game
    the creatures design could have used some work, though it doesnt even matter when there are this many enemies, each one with different attack patterns, and besides, for such an old game the graphics still hold up well, the backgrounds are just great even the music is fantastic, makes me wish i had the OST as well, it's just that good.

    Gorky 17 sure is a flawed game, but for every flaw it also give something amazing, and i cant really resist a game that mixes x-com with Resident evil
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    • MasterCrash
      Editing … Glad to see someone else who actually enjoys this game. Yeah, it's not the best, specially nowadays, with the new X-Com and all. But when I first got this game I had lots of fun with it. Also, I had heard that if you had a copy of the game the developers would give you a free key for Steam, so I sent a photo of my copy and they said that the offer was only for people who had the GoG version of the game, but since I was cool enough to actually hold on to my copy all these years I deserved a free key, and they gave me anyways. Which was freaking awesome of them!
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