• 9 years ago
    „If my friend (...) says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch. It’s normal.” - the motherfucking Pope
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Is he talking about that Paris Charlie thing? I agree. If you mock the religions and beliefs of billions then eventually somebody will get angry. Free speech should come with responsibility. Nobody likes an internet troll do they? Why should anybody put up with it. Of course, they didn't deserve to die but hopefully other people will see this stop mocking others now. Maybe the world can be a better place when people stop to think.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … I'm not sure if he knows the difference between a punch and a bullet. They could have protested like they got around to instead of murdering http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2910126/Muslims-stage-angry-protests-Charlie-Hebdo-s-Mohammed-cartoon-Boko-Haram-terror-leader-hails-Paris-massacre.html Religions always seem to turn to violence despite their claims of peace and forgiveness.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … Maybe it takes a shocking moment like this for people to actually realise though. I didn't even know there was a magazine mocking religion.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … To realize what though, that there was a magazine out there making fun of religion? All religious people have to do is not buy the damned magazine if it offends them.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … That's true. But don't people have a responsibility to not mock them in the first place? Why can't people just be left alone to do as they please? It's like bullying really. If a person keeps pushing and poking eventually the one being tormented will react. I know I would.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … I don't know, are the magazines the point where it begins or are they themselves a response? France has had internal issues with Islam "I think." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_ban_on_face_covering The magazine is just one way to tell people to f off, but you don't have to buy it. Imagine if you had a personal monopoly on what people could and could not say about Hull in magazines you did not even buy.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … I'm sure the majority wanted that ban on face covering and it's for all people, not just muslims. If you want to live in a democratic country you have to do what the majority wantvin the interests of society. That's the good kind of free speech. Needlessly hating though is not helping anybody.
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … It doesn't help no, but neither does shooting people. I've never liked hate or taunting towards religion, but the idea that a magazine cannot criticize something just because a group considers it sanctified really worries me. There's a difference between posting something nasty on someone's Facebook page and publishing a magazine that they don't even have to buy. Literally no Muslim had to buy that magazine yet it justifies violence?
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    • Nodley
      Editing … It doesn't justify violence. But after 40 years of hating on the beliefs of billions it's no surprise to me that somebody decided enough was enough. Using a picture of Muhammad carrying a bomb in his turban is an insult to all Muslims, not just terrorists. All it does is create ammunition for people, there's no wonder all those people ran off to join ISIS. We should use this and learn to be more tolerant, not just an excuse to go kill more bad guys.
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    • Nodley
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … People joined ISIS for more complex reasons than that though and way before. I get what you are saying, that Charlie cartoon has no value and was just garbage hate, but nobody was forced to read it. Protests and boycotting are the appropriate response, all they have done now is give people more of a reason to insult and hate.
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    • Nodley
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    • Bob GutSmasha
      Bob GutSmasha
      Editing … Deleted by himself
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