• Doubleagent wrote his opinion about Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance
    9 years ago
    I was pleasantly surprised by this one and it's quite a shame that it seems like it won't be getting a second season as lots of plot points are left unresolved.

    What we have seen so far of the plot is not particularly complicated. Kamito Kazehaya is a boy who can utilise magical powers that usually only girls can use. He attends an otherwise all female school and has a shady past.

    The action scenes and music were intense, the comedy was funny, the characters were enjoyable and it's also another good example of how to properly execute having a story alongside being an ecchi show.

    Special mention to #Ai Kakuma as #Terminus Est who was just perfect / really stole the show. Easily my favourite character from this as nearly every moment Est was on screen was comedy gold. Having long silver hair, knee socks and that amazing voice helped a little as well.

    I don't really have that much to say beyond that, it was one of the few from last anime season that I was excited to watch each week.
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    • Firion Hope
      Firion Hope
      Editing … Y u no rank Est in fav character list :P
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    • Doubleagent
      Editing … I've been thinking about it but can't decide. I really like everyone in my top character list and if Est was going to be in there a large contributing factor would be because she had a hot voice and was naked a lot. Don't get me wrong, she is really cute and I loved her as a funny sidekick character but there is a limit to how far that can take you. She could perhaps sneak in above #Akira Kogami in my top but I want to wait longer to see if I still think that later, especially as the last place on my anime char top is currently taken up by #Kirei Kotomine and I've only just started #Fate/stay night (2014). (He is on there from #Fate/Zero)
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