• Wrl6199 wrote his opinion about The Ice People
    9 years ago
    "The Night Of Time," as the title should read, is one of those moving, extraordinary books to which I return time and again long after I've read them. Few books have had that effect in me, but this beautiful story of a love, a civilization, a chance for humanity, lost under the ice, has remained with me ever since I read it seven years ago. I will now suggest a title that may be of interest to all those reviewers who obviously liked this book as much, or maybe more, than I did: "When the Sky Fell," by Rand and Rose Flem-Ath (available at Amazon), which deals with the very intriguing possibility that something known as "Earth crust displacement" could have moved all continents and oceans at once in the past and Antarctica, now frozen, could have been located at a much more warmer latitude. This is theory, and the authors have not forced the re-writing of any textbooks, but their idea is interesting, and they have obtained a lot of data to support it. This book is not fiction, like Berja
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