• Kris Reid wrote his opinion about Resident Evil 4
    9 years ago
    Resident Evil 4. The game that forever changed the series for better or worse depending on who you ask. While it was for the worse in my opinion I still find this game to be one of the greatest games released and a must own for anyone who likes 3rd person action.

    What it lacks in scares it makes up for in constant tension and near death experiences. Added to that is an array of weapons all with the option to be fully upgraded and the ability to sell and buy new ones as you see fit.

    It is not fully without horror though. You'll encounter enemies that can saw your head off with a chainsaw in one strike, to being lost in a maze surrounded by mutated dogs, and despite replacing horror for action it possibly has the scariest enemy ever introduced to the series - the Regenerator. Oh, the irony.

    With constant location, enemy, and weapon changes along with a high and fun boss count RE4 manages to surprising remain fresh for its 14+ hour game time. A rare sight to be seen.
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