• 10 years ago
    Finale opinion: MAJOR SPOILERS ALERT (duh...)
    SpoilerSo, this was a hard finale to watch for me. HIMYM was really important to me, it was more than a series. I think it was a representation of everything I stand for and of all the hope I have. When it finally ended I wasn't sure at all what to feel. If you asked me if I liked the ending then I would have said "I don't know". That's not necessarily a bad thing, but after a good night of sleep I finally can say that, overall, no, I didn't like the ending.
    It starts great! I laughed louder than I should a couple times and even released a "dawww" when Ted finally sees the Mother, or the scene with Barney and his daughter. (That scene is probably going to be one of the best in the series). But in the end there's a couple things that just didn't felt right. The first one is obviously Robin and Barney's divorce. I wouldn't have bothered much if they had married a couple seasons ago, but after spending a ENTIRE season and the whole climax of the series on their marriage, after seeing those two grow enough to be able to be on a relationship, just to see it end the moment after... It seriously felt like a kick on the stomach. And of course, this divorce was only so that the writers could have the ending they really wanted.
    And if Barney and Robin's divorce was a kick to the stomach, the ending was a kick in the entire series. And it's not that I felt that the ending was completely absurd. If they had shown me the finale at any moment while I was watching the first two seasons I'd probably say that was fitting. But this was not 2 seasons. This was 9 seasons worth of character development. 9 years worth of Ted's failures, of heartbreaks and we endured it all because he was going to make it in the end.
    We watch him end with Chloe, or with Victoria, and yes, even with Robin, because we knew that he'd be okay, that those weren't the ones that were meant to be with him. That The Mother was.
    That's what this show was supposed to be about, that sometimes things go wrong, that sometimes you find yourself in a dark place and you feel like a failure and alone, but that you should endure it because for every Stella, there's a Mother that will make you happy. And that's why I watched the show, because that's how I feel, I am in that dark place and I like to think that maybe... just maybe... someday everything will be alright. That when the time comes I'll meet my own Mother.
    And we all knew that she was going to die in the end, that made me sad, but I liked it actually. I thought it could be a lovable bitter sweet ending. Ted just remembering that woman he once met.
    But then they ruined it by showing that the only reason Ted told the story to their kids was just so they could approve of him asking Robin out.
    I'm not totally opposed with Ted/Robin, but if you're going to do it don't do it like this. Don't spend a year on her marriage with Barney, and don't make so that Ted's only reason to tell the story was because of her. It makes it look as if the Mother wasn't that special in the end. If he was telling the story solely because he loved her, and then the kids tried to convince him to meet with Robin again... I could buy that. But the way it went? No.
    Though the last scene both with The Mother and with Robin were kinda sweet.
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