• 10 years ago
    I just want to ask, why does everyone think this show uses a laugh track? They've proven time and again that this show uses a live audience. Now it's possible that they'll sometimes switch around laughs at some point, but many sitcoms do that. Also, the geek and nerds stereotypes? Sure,there are those, but I myself am a geek and my whole family and I have connected to a lot in this show. We've made many of the same jokes and find the same things funny, and I've been with many of these same types of people in real life and a lot of these "stereotypes" are actually a lot more accurate than people would like to think.

    Now, for the show itself. I'll be honest, the last few seasons have been okay, it's definitely losing its momentum, but the first seasons until Amy becomes a lead are 10/10 for me.
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