• 5 months ago
    I'm tired of whiny teenagers in my video games. The story and dialogue of Spiderman 2 is just awful. None of the emotional beats hit they way they want them too... They keep forcing me to do missions where I'm not a dope Spiderman kicking ass. Riding rides at the amusement park was....awful. It amazes me that this game is getting overwhelmingly positive reviews. The combat itself is fun to combo but isn't changed all that much from the first two in the series... And I'm playing on the hardest difficulty and rarely die. The city itself feels lifeless. My nephew played a little and we stumbled on a group of cops knocking on a door and he stopped and watched expecting something to happen but nothing did for like ten minutes... Just a cop repeatedly knocking on a door. We looked at a squirrel that was just jumping on and off a tree trunk... Like I get it, it's a video game but for an open world in this day and age .. it's just so blatantly lazy. Don't look at the bookshelves for too long or you'll notice that there's the same 20 or so books on every bookshelf in the game. Sometimes like a dozen copies of the same book. And I mean I get it if you just have generic leather book models repeated but these are titled books or a thick bright green book with a pen on the spine? I don't even understand that model... this game could be so much better if more time was spent on polishing the world rather than expanding it.
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    • Nodley
      Editing … "I'm tired of whiny teenagers" Me too bro. But in exactly 1 week I won't have a whiny teenager anymore. I'll have a whiny 20 something.
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    • Husky Wing
      Husky Wing
      Editing … Do you feel like you're Spider-Man 2?
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    • Explojin
      Editing … I feel like a whiny teenager 2.
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    • Klemoib
      Editing … maybe it's time for game devs to realise a very large part of their market are grown adults who maybe expect a bit more from a story and are not completely developmentally challenged. But maybe that's too much to ask from this industry.....
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